7. Into The Woods

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"Ready to go?" I heard Luke ask as I closed the car door. "Where are we going?" I asked in return. "Somewhere fun. We haven't had much time together so I thought I'd take you out on a date," Luke explained. "Luuuke!" I whined. "I'm still in my work uniform! At least take me home so I can look decent." He ignored my pleas, insisting I looked great and continued to drive. After about 15 minutes or so of listening to the radio, I noticed that we were in a part of town that I hadn't seen before. "Where are we even going, Lucas?" I asked, taking in the earthy surroundings. Tall maple trees lined the sides of the road, creating the illusion of driving through a tunnel. The leaves that had previously changed colors now drifted leisurely in the crisp wind, eventually making contact with the ground and scattering the road with patches of yellow and red. The sun, although beginning to set, found its way through the thick foliage and made the scene almost glow in front of us.

There was a clearing up ahead that resembled a parking lot, which is where we pulled up. As soon as we got out of the car, I heard Luke yell something incoherent before running off into the trees. I followed after, sprinting as fast as my legs could carry me, until I wasn't sure where he'd disappeared. "Luke, where are you?" I called out, hoping I hadn't lost him. I heard the leaves rustle behind me and turned to find a wild haired boy running toward me at full speed. He pushed me down into a soft bed of leaves and hovered over me, holding my arms hostage above my head. "So what do you think?" Luke asked, panting slightly and still hovering over me. His long locks of hair were pushed up in a classic quiff and his nose just red from the wind. He hadn't shaved since I last saw him and was now sporting a sizable stubble. His normally blue eyes took on a hint of green that matched the surroundings. He was, in all honesty, perfection.

I tried to break out of his hold but he refused to let me go, giggling at my attempts. He dipped his head down to whisper in my ear. "If you want me to get off, you're going to have to make me," he tempted before pressing his plush lips to the exposed skin of my neck and leaving a trail of soft kisses. I giggled at the feeling his lips left on my neck, like a match sparking a flame, until I let out a rather loud moan. My hands roamed down his chest until they gripped his curvy hips pushing him harder against me, wanting anything but for him to get off of me. His hips worked at my waist, dry humping me through our clothes. The friction was indescribable, creating an unbearable heat coursing through our mid sections. As our lips connected Luke wasted no time to invade my mouth with his, sucking and licking, until we were breathless and I was a writhing mess beneath him.The heat was almost unbearable. Even being in the middle of the forest floor the sun was burning down on us through the foliage of the trees above us, heating our bodies more than our not so quiet activity was doing.

His arms held firm around me, holding up what little weight was left in the air and not grinding down on me. My hands roamed to his toned biceps squeezing slightly making Luke bend down further so that he was practically doing a push up on top of me. My lips moved to his neck as he panted in my ear, getting close to his release. "Luke," I moaned, needing more of him, needing more of anything. I brought my hand down to my jeans and popped the button moving down to undo the zipper until I heard a grunt come from above me. My eyes opened to see him already looking at me, hair a mess, sweat forming on his upper brow and eyes so dilated I could barely see the blue surrounding them. He shook his head at me and removed my hand from my jeans replacing it with his own. "That's my job," he whispered, so quiet I almost didn't hear him over the winds that shook the trees above us. I nearly fainted right there and then.

Luke quickly brought his hand down to my heat, his middle finger rubbing against my entrance. "Luke" I said with frustration, I hate being teased. "Stop, teasing, me, you asshole," I panted as his middle finger rubbed up and down my middle. Just as he slid one long finger in I froze as I heard as a growl come from near us. Luke's head perked up and he removed his hand from my middle, making me release a quiet gasp, and gripped my hip, hard. I whipped my head from side to side searching for what made the sound but only saw bushes and leaves all mixed and splattered around us like a Jackson Pollock painting. "Luke.." I whispered, as his grip on my hip still hadn't loosened a fraction. He hummed above me and after a few more seconds of silence I heard the low grumble again but this time closer to us. I gripped his forearms and when his eyes connected with mine they were full of humor and his cheeks full of embarrassment. "What? What is that?" I demanded to know. "Is it a bear? Are there bears in these woods? I swear if I die in the middle of the woods because my boyfriend can't take me on a normal date I-" but I was interrupted as Luke broke into a fit of giggles above me, muffling his laughter in my neck.
I let my head drop and gripped his face bringing it in front of mine trying to make eye contact with this frustrating boy but his eyes were clasped closed and his mouth wide open mid laughter. I shook his head and shouted "LUCAS STOP LAUGHING WHAT IF WE DIE?!?!", my eyebrows rising and eyes widening. But this only seemed to make him laugh even more until he rolled onto the forest floor next to me. I groaned and punched his arm. He calmed down just enough to say "We're not gonna die, babe." While wiping the tears from his eyes and giggling some more. I heard the growl again and flinched back into the ground. "What do you mean? What is that noise, then?" I asked him now getting angry from being scared. "It's my stomach," he said sheepishly while his cheeks turned a shade of pink darker. I raised an eyebrow. "I skipped lunch when I came to pick you up and forgot to snack in the car." He smiled cheekily and patted his stomach. "Big boy wants a cheeseburger."

Sitting there dumbfounded my mouth opened and closed at a loss for words. "You're stomach?" I asked. "Your STOMACH?!" I repeated much louder. "Luke, I thought it was a bear. It sounds like you've got a horde of zombies in there!" I said pointing at his stomach. He only giggled and straightened the chain around his neck. Standing up he offered his hands to me and pulled me up. I sighed and flattened my hair, dragging leaves out from it. I looked down at my unbuttoned jeans and wriggled trying to get comfortable until I sighed exasperated. "Luke.." I moaned while gripping his ripped Greenday tshirt. I'm so sexually and emotionally frustrated it's not even funny, and he knew it too. He kissed my forehead and then down to my ear and slowly buttoned my jeans as he said "Oh don't worry, baby, we'll take care of this later." I could hear the smirk in his voice. I only groaned and thumped my head on his chest, wishing later would come sooner than I hoped.
A/N: Please vote and leave ideas for new imagines in the comments below. :)

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