Chapter Nineteen

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*six months later*

"Cole, stop pacing," Aira chided. "It's not even your baby!"

"But my girlfriend is delivering it!" He said still pacing.

Ronin was pacing too. It was actually kinda funny. A nurse near by heard this and looked at them funny.

"I don't mean to be nosy," the nurse began. "But what do you mean your girlfriend's baby isn't yours?"

"It's a long story," Cole said rolling his eyes.

The nurse just looked even more confused and slightly disturbed. She edged away slowly.

"She will be fine," Aira said to the pacing men. "Amaya is very strong and we are at the best hospital in Ninjago."

"Lloyd! How have you stayed so calm during this?!" Ronin asked.

"Well, I wasn't calm when the twins were born but I put my nervous energy into dissolving the rock barriers," Lloyd sighed. "And I was not calm when Haden was born. And I guarantee I will not be calm with the next one."

"But doesn't it get easier?!" Cole shouted. "Baby number four!?"

"And five," Aira said quickly.

"What is it either you guys and twins?!" Cole asked incredulously.

"I guess they are fertile," Ronin said sarcastically.

"Mr. Ronin?" The nurse called.

"That's me," Ronin said nervously.

"Well, congratulations on your baby boy," the nurse smiled. "You can come back now."

"You coming Cole?" Ronin asked. Cole smiled and nodded. They both headed back to see the newest member of the ninja family.


"He is beautiful, Ronin! Emily would be so proud!" Skylor exclaimed.

"She would be very proud," Ronin said cradling his son.

"What's his name?" Nya asked.

"Tyson," Ronin said. "Tyson Emmett. The middle name is the closest thing I could find to Emily for a boy."

"That's so sweet!" Kai shouted.

"Not so loud, Kai," Jay shushed.

"Sorry," Kai whispered.

"How do you feel, Amaya?" Aira asked.

"I feel fine," she answered. "A little tired maybe."

"Well, if you weren't tired I would be jealous," Aira laughed. "It's normal after an ordeal like that. If only the men understood."

"I'm fine with not understanding thanks," Jay said raising his hands.

Kai shivered, "too much pain!"

"Not even getting stabbed probably hurts that much," Lloyd cringed.

"Look at that!" Skylor laughed. "They admit it."


*Three month later* *it is August*

"I think it's time to put the kids in a real school," Zane said.

"Why?" Jay asked. "They can learn everything they need to here."

"They need friends and social interaction," Zane countered. "Not to mention, we learned to protect Ninjago because of the people in it. If they never get to know people then what reason will they have to follow in our footsteps?"

"Frosty here has a point," Kai said.

"Kyle is eight years old," Zane said. "I want him to have friends. The twins are seven. The other older children are six. All of them, besides Kyle, will be in the same grade."

"I guess your right," Jay said. "But they aren't like the other kids. They have powers."

"They will not be allowed to use them at school," Lloyd said.

"And you don't have to worry about me," Kyle said from the doorway. "I don't have powers."

"Kyle, there is a possibility that you could inherit mine," Zane said.

"A one in sixty chance," Kyle said sadly.

"We will see," Zane assured.

"But what about Xavier?" Lloyd asked.

"He will not begin to turn dark till he seventeen," Zane said. "I believe he will be fine. They are all smart and will most likely graduate earlier than the average child."

"I think Zane has made his point and won," Cole said from the corner.

"Hey, Lloyd, can you come help me with James and Jacqueline?" Aira yelled from the other room.

"Coming," he yelled back. "Zane will you enroll them?"

"I already did," Zane said.


"Electronically," he explained.



"Sorry! Coming!"

"Poor Lloyd," Kai laughed. "He has so many kids."

"That's his fault," Cole laughed.

"So? Cole?" Jay asked.

"Yes?" Cole asked warily.

"What would you name your kids?"

"Wowowowowowow," Cole said. "Back up."


"Noah or Conor for boys and Kathleen or Amy for girls," he said.

"Wow, that was a faster response than I expected," Jay said.

"Amaya and I have been talking about settling down and having a family," Cole shrugged.

"Well, we certainly have a lot of people to take up the baton," Skylor said.

"Did you know Haden got his power?" Nya asked.

"No! What is he?!" They all asked in unison.

"He is wind," Nya laughed.

"I bet Aira and Morro are happy," Kai laughed.

"I sure am."

"Gah!" Jay yelped. "Morro, you scared me!"

"Haven't seen you around in a while," Kai said.

"Been mapping the realms," Morro said. "I came back to see my new grand kids."

"Well, they are upstairs," Cole said. "More twins."

"Gosh gracious," Morro said. "Talk about fertile."

"Ewewewewewewewe!" Cole gagged. "Bad image!"

Everyone looked at each other and laughed. The future was going to be interesting but exciting. They had kids to put in school and train. They had villains to fight and life to live. But they all knew it was going to work out in the end.

A/n- That's a wrap guys! Next book is called Mending Torn Bonds. I'll update the first part of it tonight! Hope you enjoyed this book! See y'all in my next one! I'll put out a author's note when it's out! -LL_17

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