Chapter Seventeen

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"Daddy, please stop pacing," Julia asked sweetly. "You're making me nervous."

"Sorry, Sweetheart," Lloyd said sitting down.

Julia crawled up into his lap. Aira sat down beside both of them and placed Haden in her lap. Lloyd placed a protective arm around Aira as they waited.

"Ronin has slowed the darkness," Garmadon said solemnly. "We have at most ten years before it starts to take affect again."

"What does this mean?" Asked Lloyd. He ran his hands over his tired face.

"It means you may have to face the same thing I did," Garmadon said choking on his words. Aira felt tears falling down her cheeks. "You may someday have to face you son in battle."

Lloyd put his face in his hands. Aira followed suit and was soon shaking with sobs. Julia wasn't sure what her parents were so upset about but it scared her.

"Does Xavier know?" Lloyd choked.

"No, I suggest you wait to tell him," Garmadon suggested. "Oh heavens, my poor grandson."

Garmadon sunk down into a chair next to Lloyd.

"I'm so sorry," Garmadon said shakily. "I don't want you to have to face what I had to. Lloyd, I almost killed you."

Aira's head shot up at this. She knew that Lloyd and his father had to fight and all that shiz but she didn't know that he had almost killed is own son.

"Lloyd, promise me you won't fight him," Aira sobbed.

"You know I can't promise that," Lloyd said. A tear trailed down his cheek. "But we don't even know if that'll happen. It could be fixed. We have ten years to figure this out."

"Okay," Aira conceded. Lloyd wrapped his arms around her and she buried her face in his neck.


*three days later*

Aira walked slowly into her bedroom. Lloyd was just sitting there. He looked extremely pensive. He hadn't been himself since the incident. Xavier seemed fine now but they knew better.

"Lloyd?" Aira said softly. "Are you okay?"

"No," he answered truthfully.

"Talk to me."

"My nightmares came true," he said not looking at her.


"When you were pregnant with the twins I had horrible nightmares. Do you remember?"

"Yes, you woke up almost every night," she sat down next to him and began to play with his hair.

"I had nightmares that I couldn't protect my family," he said. "That's what I dreamed about almost every night for eight months."

"Lloyd, this isn't your fault," Aira assured.

"My job as a father is to protect my family," he choked. "I failed!"

"No, this isn't your fault! We were attacked and manipulated," Aira said forcefully. "You have done your best."

"What if my best isn't good enough?"

"Lloyd, don't worry about what may happen ten years down the road from now," Aira said. "Enjoy what you have now. Bond with your children so that you have a bond so strong, that you can't fight. That's what happened with your father."

"And he was able to fight the darkness because of the bond we had," Lloyd said with sudden realization. "Aira, your a genius!"

"As always," she leaned in and kissed him. "There is one more thing though. I had a vision."

"About what?"

"I saw Kyle and Julia in the future," she told him. "They spoke to me."

"That's not possible," Lloyd said sitting straight.

"I don't know but they kept saying 'he is getting worse' and 'don't mind my brother.'"

"Let's not worry about it right now," Lloyd said shakily. "I really can't think about it right now."

"Okay," she said pushing the hair back from his scar. It was faded now. You could only see it if you were looking for it. "Do you want to get your mind off of it?"

"How do you suggest we-" he began and then he saw her mischievous smirk. "Oh. I like that idea."

He leaned in and kissed her. She ran her hands through his hair and licked at his lip. He smiled and pushed her on to the bed.


"Hey, Dad?"

"Hey, Jason, what's up?" Jay asked looking up from his work.

"You know the circuit board you were going to fix?"

"Jason, what did you do?" Jay asked standing.

"I went to flip the breaker because the power turned off and I had Natalie with me-"

"Is there a point to this?"

"She kinda fixed it."

"How? She is like four!" Jason asked shocked. "This is shocking!"

"She is not four till next month, Dad," Jason corrected ignoring his father's attempted pun. "And she zapped it."

"Zapped it?" Jay asked. "Woohoo! My daughter had my powers!"

He started doing a happy dance and Jason gave him a horrified look.

"What; are you having a stroke?" Jason asked sarcastically.

"You are too sarcastic for a six year old," Jay grumped. "And I'll have you know that I have smooth moves. If you really wanna know; ask you mom."

"Eww, I'll pass thanks," Jason said lifting his hands. "And, Dad, I'm not six till September."

"You're this sarcastic at five?!" Jay asked incredulously. "I've taught you well. I'm impressed."

"Thanks, Dad," Jason laughed.

A/n- Basic rundown of who had powers so far.

Katrina- Fire
Luke- Unknown

Julia- Power (Light)
Xavier- Power (Dark)
Haden- Unknown

Kyle- Unknown
Stephanie- Magic (not an elemental power)

Jason- Water
Natalie- Lightning

There ya go! Who do you think Jacqueline is? Tell me in the comments! And I need votes! Do you want Ronin to have a daughter or a son? Man this is getting sad and intense. What's gonna happen to Xavier? Comment and vote! Hope you enjoyed! -LL_17

Future Elemental Masters {Book Three of the Four Winds series}Where stories live. Discover now