November 14th (Anna Warren)

29 2 7

A&W: Please don't be like this!
A&W: Kyle come on!

KizzyJ: Anna, seriously. Leave me alone.

A&W: That came out all wrong yesterday.

KizzyJ: You shouted at me, "I don't love you like that."

A&W: But I just- I didn't mean to...

KizzyJ: I asked you, if you wanted to share a club sandwich....

A&W: I had a lot on my mind. Please Ky!

KizzyJ: Anna, you have been so weird since you started hanging out with those meathead jocks!
KizzyJ: I think we just need some space. Air it out.

A&W: Space? Are you Fraking up with me?

KizzyJ: Fraking... That's clever.

A&W: Answer me!
A&W: Ky?
A&W: Kyle... :(

New message
TylerBLACK: Hey loser oozer. You want to come with me to the mall to find Brock a birthday present?

A&W: You did this!

TylerBLACK: Did what?

A&W: You put all these crazy thoughts about Kyle and now he won't talk to me!

TylerBLACK: What Ya mean?

A&W: Yesterday I went with him! But instead of enjoying my weekend with him, I ended up telling him I don't have feelings for him that way!

TylerBLACK: Oh..... I didn't tell you to do that!


TylerBLACK: Anna you can't fucking blame me for you not liking him and him feeling hurt! JESUS you're suppose to be the smart and sweet one out of this quirky duo!

TylerBLACK: Look, did he tell you he loves you too much to be friends?

A&W: Well he didn't exactly tell me he loved me at all...

TylerBLACK: How did this happen then?

A&W: Over deli meats...

TylerBLACK: Sorry, I am not educated very well in nerdy sex innuendos... Deli meats?

A&W: I just blurted out that I don't love him as anything more than a friend. He didn't even bring it up to me!

TylerBLACK: WELL! No wonder the poor guy is crying his giant brain out! Ya broke his heart and he didn't even tell you he loved you!

TylerBLACK: You PRE-Rejected him. THAT hurts. Geez.


A&W: HB?

TylerBLACK: Heartless B!t€h

A&W: ......

TylerBLACK: Did you not just hurt him, without thinking about how he would feel?

A&W: No... Maybe. Fuck I am HB...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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