November 13th (Anna Warren)

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KizzyJ> Anna?
KizzyJ> Anna?

-3 minutes ago-

KizzyJ> If you don't reply i will ride this bike all the way there!

-10 minutes ago-

KizzyJ> It's the weekend... We're suppose to go eat Kenny's and walk the park !

KizzyJ> We made this plan like three weeks ago!

-20 minutes ago-

KizzyJ> Anna you've been ignoring me this whole week... What did I do?

-30 minutes ago-

KizzyJ> Is it about Brock? Seriously?

KizzyJ> You wanna be like that! About that guy?

-45 minutes ago-

KizzyJ> I know you're reading this! ITS ON DARK D!

KizzyJ> I give up.... I am sorry ok. I miss you.

"New message from TylerBLACK"

TylerBLACK> Hey Nerd alert, ride to school?

A&W> It's the weekend.

TylerBLACK> I know, I figured that's where you spend your weekend.

A&W> I am not in the mood for your shit! Okay...

TylerBLACK> Whoa... What's wrong GoogleFace?

A&W> It's Kyle.... I keep thinking about what you said!

TylerBLACK> Whats the big deal?

A&W> I think maybe you're right. I keep ignoring him, because I don't know how I feel.

TylerBLACK> So? It's not that big of a deal.

A&W> It is... Idk what to say to him.

TylerBLACK> Has he told you out loud that he's in love with you?

A&W> No.

TylerBLACK> Then don't stress it. Stop ignoring your best friend, you freak!

A&W> It's not the simple.


A&W> Huh?

TylerBLACK> What kind of chick are you? You never seen the notebook?

A&W> No.... Have you?

TylerBLACK> I have so many times... Every new girlfriend always wants to watch the same movie.

A&W> Is it good?

TylerBLACK> Oh man, Warren I am totally making you watch it now.

TylerBLACK> All girls love it, especially that I am a bird shit.

A&W> Bird shit?

TylerBLACK> NVM. What are you doing today?

A&W> I was suppose to go with Kyle... But now idk.

TylerBLACK> You still can?

A&W> Idk... I don't think so.

TylerBLACK> Just go! Maybe you two nerds can be together and have nerd babies.

A&W> I hate you.

KIK: Script of The Nerd, The Jock and The SocialLight.Where stories live. Discover now