November 1st, 2014 (Veronica Becker)

32 4 0

"New message from A&W"

A&W> Hey! English study session at your place tonight right?

VexyVixen> Ya. Totes. I'll order veggie pizza.

A&W> Uh... Ya- delicious... Veronica, are you single?

VexyVixen> I'm into guys, Anna.

A&W> Me too... That's why we get along so well?

VexyVixen> Well.. Then yes I am single.

A&W> Have you seen that... Uh beef cake Tyler?

VexyVixen> I didn't know you were into guys like him, I saw you with more like a Kyle- but if you like him I can hook you up?

A&W> No! No! I was thinking for you.
Also, no on Kyle he's my best friend.

VexyVixen> Kyle is adorable though. I am really not into Tyler, did he put you up to this?

A&W> No way... He's a great guy.... Okay maybe he did...

VexyVixen> Is he black mailing you? Oh god, Anna I'll kill him!

A&W> No! He was suppose to... Ugh... help me with Brock.

VexyVixen> Brock Carter? Why didn't you just ask me? He's my neighbor.

A&W> Well... Seeing as you never brought that up the one million times we have studied! Dear sweet Baby Jesus!!!!!

VexyVixen> LoL! I can totally hook you up, you don't need Tyler.

A&W> Well... I already made the deal, think you might want to talk to him... Like once- for me?

VexyVixen> I will unblock him and message him, just to be nice.

A&W> You're too good me Becker... Too good!

VexyVixen> I gotta pay attention to Mr. Holland, I already have a C in his class!

A&W> Smile! He likes smiley people!

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