November 2nd, 2014 (Tyler Black)

28 4 1

Mr.StealYoGurl> Please!

A&W> No! I am not ready for that- especially not with you and Veronica!

Mr.StealYoGurl> Nerdface, come on! This is what you wanted right? To bone Brock?

A&W> Nope.

Mr.StealYoGurl> Name your price!

A&W> My price is a kajillion bajillion dollars!

Mr.StealYoGurl> Should I be shocked you've seen Austen Powers?

A&W> Lol didn't think you'd catch that.

Mr.StealYoGurl> Come on! Don't nerds need to get laid?

A&W> Just when I thought you were human...

A&W> I refuse to go, I am walking into my next class. Go Steal a brain, ass. Your username is stupid!

Mr.StealYoGurl> Ouch.

English Class
"New Message from BrockC"

BrockC> Bro, Veronica said there's a double date tonight?

Mr.StealYoGurl> Uh... Idk Nerdy birdy is bitching.

BrockC> So she doesn't wanna go on a date with me? Is she like... A lesBean... I mean I am cool with that!

Mr.StealYoGurl> I don't think so man... Idk maybe you could ask her?

BrockC> I guess.

Mr.StealYoGurl> Is my screen name dumb?

BrockC> It's awesome!

Mr.StealYoGurl>... Nerdface was right.

BrockC> Teachers looking at U!

Mr.StealYoGurl> Ughhhhh!

-Your display name has been saved-


A&W> You changed your name?

TylerBLACK> Yea..

A&W> Aww did I hurt your feelings?

TylerBLACK> No! It got boring.

A&W> Why is Brock coming my way..

TylerBLACK> Haha... Stop drooling in your Mac&Cheese Nerd Alert!

TylerBLACK> Wow... Did you really just spill your soda on him. Oh man this is great!

TylerBLACK> You so just read my KIK and didn't reply!

TylerBLACK> LMFAO, did you really just try to dry his crotch... Wow You need SUM bad.

TylerBLACK> I wish I had popcorn, this is so priceless.

"New message from VexyVixen"

VexyVixen> That was...

TylerBLACK> Hilarious!

VexyVixen> No! So sad. She's still red in the face -_-

TylerBLACK> Come on... Kinda hilarious!

VexyVixen> Just a little..
VexyVixen> Omg! Lmao No! I can't believe that just happened!

TylerBLACK> YES! rofl

VexyVixen> How do you even do that?

TylerBLACK> Oh God that was seriously priceless!

A&W> That was horrifying! NO DOUBLE DATE!

TylerBLACK> How does one person pull another persons pants down....

A&W> I was just trying to soak up the soda! *FacePalm*

TylerBLACK> Lmao those JoeBoxers tho!!! UR face was all up in them!

A&W> -_- I really think I should block you.

TylerBLACK> So no Date then???

A&W> He asked, but after that horrific scene I don't think so...

TylerBLACK> I am sure he is still down... Mmm it was more like you wanted in his pants... I think it worked ... Lmao


TylerBLACK> Oh come on!
TylerBLACK> Nerd?
TylerBLACK> Human Google?
TylerBLACK> Wow... You blocked me!
TylerBLACK> Well you can't block me in Real Life!

Math Class

BrockC> Bro..

TylerBLACK> Lmao

BrockC> Bro...

TylerBLACK> Dude, that was classic.

BrockC> She pantsed me!

TylerBLACK> It was an accident! And it was only slightly, nice Undies tho. Lmao

BrockC> I am so out.

TylerBLACK> No! Brock, come on dude it wasn't that bad, she got nervous.

BrockC> Exactly.. Imagine what else could happen!

TylerBLACK> Brock... Take one for the team man.

BrockC> Fine Ty... But you owe... You owe me new jeans too! FANTA STAINS!

TylerBLACK> You got it! You pick out any skinny jeans you want my dude! Lol

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