Chapter Eighteen: Survival

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*** quick warning... This chapter involves a intimate scene which will last a little while throughout the chapter. If you would like to skip that is fine. I'll just do the '***' when it's over. ***

"Zo, I'm going to have to rain-check tonight."
"What?!" Zoey practically screamed on the other end of the phone. "What do you mean you have to raincheck? Come on Chels, it's our first party as College students! We need to go!"
"I would, but I've got too many things on my mind." The blood. The feeding. "I've got to get all my things into my dorm by next week, and do you know how long that will take?"
"But seriously Chelsea... Come on it's a few hours where we party like the night will never end... Please."
"I'm sorry Zoey, no. Not tonight, I'm sure there's one tomorrow or the night after."
"Course there is! Fine I'm going anyways, might as well since I'm on campus. Are you sure?"
Chelsea chuckled as she heard her friend plead. "Sorry. Listen I've got to go. I'll call you in the morning."
"Not too early. Love you."
"Love you too." She clicked her phone and threw it on her bed, putting her head in her hands and listened to her breathing. Chelsea had been sitting on her bed, since returning home from college last night. Not feeding properly for a good 3 weeks meant that she had become weak. Chelsea stood up from her bed and ran over to the mirror, looking at her reflection. Her skin was pale white, like she was gravely ill, and her hair was all ratty. The thought of blood was in her every thought, now gaining control of her minor outbursts, she didn't have to worry about the sudden face changes.

She stepped underneath the hot water and felt as it scaled her skin, letting it burn her even though the pain did nothing. She lathered up her shampoo and cleaned her hair, letting the scent fill her surroundings. After cleaning herself and getting her back to the healthy looking Chelsea, she stood underneath the water, just looking at the blank white tiled wall thinking about everything. In the last couple of months, her life had changed drastically, some of it was good... Like meeting Oliver, but the rest bad... Becoming a blood thirsty monster. She shook her head and shut off the water, letting it drip from her body, before stepping out and wrapping a towel around her and getting ready. Chelsea got dressed, in indigo blue jeans, a black camisole and some pumps and sat on the floor by her bed. She pulled out some boxes that were shoved underneath and looked through them. Inside the boxes, was different things mostly photographs of her life and just little bits and bobs. She picked up a photo graph and saw a picture of her and Isabelle when they decided to have a mini photo session after school one evening, she chuckled as she looked through some of the them and then saw one of them together, hugging each other and it reminded her of the happier times, before everything had happened between them both. But she had to stop thinking about the past and look to the future.

After a good two hours, Chelsea had packed up her clothes and the things that she would take to her dorm room. She went downstairs and headed straight for the kitchen, and started to make dinner for her family. The front door opened and closed and Sophie came into the kitchen and sat at the bar. Chelsea smiled and asked about her day, but she really didn't get an answer. "I've got a party this afternoon, evening."
"Oh really?" Chelsea spun around and smiled at her.
"Yeah I don't really want to go."
"Oh you gotta... It'll be fun, I'll drive you. I've not driven my car since being back, so it will be nice." Sophie shrugged her shoulders. "Plus I'm making dinner, so if you want to live, I suggest you go." She laughed and Sophie nodded her head and walked upstairs.

"Oh mom, Sophie's at a party at her friends, I said I'd pick her up." Chelsea explained to her mother a few hours after she took Sophie to the party.
"I wondered where she went." Pete spoke up as he ate his dinner. Chelsea finished it off quickly and put her plate in the sink. "You sure you don't want me to pick her up?" He asked and Chelsea shook her head.
"No it's fine guys. Enjoy your evening." Chelsea smiled and slipped on her shoes and walked to the car, even though she had eaten, the hunger had started to cause her pain, her movements had become slower, and
every move she made started to hurt, meaning she had to drink some blood.

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