Chapter Thirteen: Captured

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"Keep her sedated, make sure she doesn't wake up. I don't want her to know where she is just yet." A dark girls voice sounded in Chelsea's ears.
"Yes ma'am." A mans voice spoke quietly.
"Have you got the other one?" The room fell silent for a few seconds until Chelsea heard the girls voice again. "Great. I'm very proud of you John." Chelsea heard footsteps and slowly opened her eyes, her vision was blurred, and she could only make out the dark wood that she was now lying on.
"Wha... Is going on?" Chelsea mumbled. She opened her eyes, and saw the man, who she only knew as John crouch down next to her. "Where am I?"
"Shh... Sweetheart. Back to sleep you go." Chelsea's eyes widened when she saw the needle go into her wrist and the sting happened a moment after.
"What is that?" Whatever was in the needle worked, because Chelsea faded really quickly and became unconscious.

"Hi Mrs Adams, is Chelsea home?"
"Hi Oliver, no I thought she was with you? Come in." Oliver walked through the door and to the kitchen sitting at the table.
"What do you mean?" Oliver asked looking at Christine, her face paled quickly, and she held her stomach.
"I haven't heard from Chelsea since 2 days ago. I just assumed she was with you."
"No ma'am. We got into a little disagreement, yesterday afternoon and she left."
"Oh my god."
"I'll try ringing her."
"There's no point, Oliver. I've tried all This morning. I'll have to call the police." Christine grabbed her phone from the pocket and dialled 911, speaking to someone on the other end of the line. Oliver excused himself for a few minutes and walked out of the house. He furiously taped on his phone and listened to the phone ringing out.
"Oliver, hello."
"Don't Oliver, hello me. Where is she?"
"Where is who?"
"Goddamit Alex. Chelsea's not been home for two days now." The call ended and Oliver swore, slapping his hands onto his cheeks. Alex appeared moments later and put her hands on her hips and stared at Oliver.
"What do you mean she's not here?"
"What did you say to her in the bar the other night?"
"I just told her the truth."
"Which was?" Oliver crushed his eyebrows together and his eyes turned black in anger.
"All I said was, there was someone coming and she should be more prepared."
"Who is this person?"
"I don't know Oliver." Oliver snarled and pushed her up against the house, gripping onto her neck and pushed harder. "Let go of me."
"Not until you tell me!" Oliver shouted.
"I said I don't know!" Alex shouted as much as she could. "Now get off me." Oliver dropped Alex and she held her throat. "If my doppelgänger is missing, I shouldn't be this close to her house? Anyone can see?"
"If that person is smart then they'll know you aren't the same person." Alex smirked and chuckled. "What's so funny?"
"You're still the same witty guy, I met all them years ago." Oliver huffed and turned around to the door which was starting to open and Alex ran away out of sight. The police car pulled up a few seconds after and a lady in a grey suit appeared with an officer. They walked up the path and Oliver walked a little behind them.
"Good evening Mrs Adams. I'm Detective Branson." Christine smiled lightly and welcomed them in and Oliver followed sitting back in the seat he was in earlier. Christine and Pete sat opposite Detective Branson and other two officers standing by the entrance of the kitchen, Pete placed his hand on top of Christine's and squeezed gently. "So I'm the lead detective in this case about-" She glanced down at the notepad on the table in front of her. "Your daughter Chelsea. I am the one who deals with all the young person's missing cases and it will be me to help bring your daughter home. So I need a few details so I can start my leads. Can you remember the last time you saw her?"
"We haven't seen her for three days. She's been with Oliver for the last few days."
"Yes, I'm Chelsea's boyfriend and I can confirm that she hasn't been near me for 2 days now. We had a little row on the night on which I assume she went missing."
"A row? About what?" Oliver held in his breath and than exhaled before speaking again.
"Oh nothing major. Just us in general." He gulped. Branson looked into Oliver's face trying to make him crack but it didn't work.
"And there's nothing else you want to tell us?"
"Ma'am, if I knew anything I wouldn't be sitting here talking to you about it. I would be out there looking for my goddamn girlfriend." He clenched table from underneath and felt as the splinters of wood entered his hand.
"Okay then. I will take your information to the station with me and get teams out looking for anything to help our leads. I will get in touch in the next few hours... If anything shows up."
"Thank you detective Branson. I'll show you out." Pete stood up and left Oliver and Christine in the kitchen.
"We'll find her Christine." Oliver broke the silence as he heard her gentle sobs. "She can't be fine."
"It's just weird Oliver... Chelsea never said anything to us about hating living here, since she met you she's not been happier. You've made her so happy so I don't get what's made her run." Oliver shrugged his shoulders and then relaxed.

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