Chapter Four: A New Life

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Chelsea walked down from her room to find her mother sorting out the kitchen, placing all the items from the boxes into the cupboards. "Hey mom."

"Hi sweetie. How are you feeling?"

"It's just going to take some time getting used to this you know."

"I know sweet. Do you want a drink?" Chelsea nodded and smiled while watching her mother. She sat on the only seats in the kitchen sipping the drink her mother gave her. "This will be good for us. Come on drink up, we have to move all the furniture into the house. The vans have to go back tomorrow."

"Back to chicago?" Chelsea asked.

"Yeah, and they hated the drive here, let alone going back."

"Can I go with them?" Chelsea asked her mother, while she scowled at them.

"What and go back to your cheating boyfriend and disloyal 'best friend'?" Her mother asked her sternly, looking at her. "Yeah Chelsea I caught on what was going on, the other night when they were downstairs and you were on the phone to them. Baby, you know you could've spoken to me about it."

"Mom, there was no need to. He was just a stupid little crush."

"Okay if you say so. Come on your father and sister will be home in a few hours and I havent done anything." Her mom pushed the brown box to the side and walked out of the kitchen.

A few hours and many sore shoulders later Chelsea and her mom flopped down on the sofa in the lounge. They sighed greatly as they rested their backs on the springy furniture. "Finally finished and just in time, your father and Sophie are walking up the path." Her mother said as she walked to the door, while Chelsea stayed siting down on the sofa, she looked around and saw that the place needed a little pick me up, which she knew wouldn't take very long since her mother was an interior designer.

"So where have you been?" Chelsea's mom asked her husband, and Chelsea watched as he came in with a bright smile on his face.

"I have just seen the Elementary school for Sophie that we looked online, love. You know the one where we spoke to the headmaster?"

"Yeah?" Her mother smiled a little as she listened.

"Well they have accepted Sophie, and she starts tomorrow." Chelsea flinched a little as she heard her mother scream and shout with happiness. "As for Chelsea she starts in the morning at the school down the road."

"Great." Chelsea grumbled.

"Hey Chelsea! Don't be like that. This is-"

"Good for us! Yeah I know." Chelsea threw her arms up in the air, and got up from the sofa and walked upstairs to her room, slamming the door shut.

"She'll come round, she just has to experience at least week here, honestly my love, she'll warm up to the place." Her father spoke.

"I just hope so Pete. I just hope this move isn't a bad thing for her..." Christine moved closer to him and hugged him tightly.

The following morning, Chelsea was up looking out the window from her bedroom. It was completely different to seeing hundreds of cars whizzing past her window and actually watching from a storey up instead of a good few storeys in the air. Chelsea dressed in her usual casual attire of coloured top indigo jeans and a jacket then she slipped on her converse before walking downstairs.

Her family were already downstairs, dressed and already eating their breakfast. "Good morning sweetie. Pancakes?"

"Pancakes Mom? Since when?"

"Since now." Christine smiled and flipped some pancakes onto a plate and handed it to Chelsea who was standing next to her. "I mean it Chels, I'll change for the better... And by that I mean changing the way we eat... and the way I cook." Chelsea chuckled.

"Honey have you seen my tie?" Pete called out, looking like a right mess. His shirt was untucked from his trousers and the collar was sticking up, and all Chelsea and Sophie could do was chuckle while they ate their food. "It's my first day, and I already can't find my tie."

"Pete. Calm down. It's here." Christine handed him the tie, and watched him struggle to do it up. "Oh Peter. When will you learn hey? Give it here." Christine swatted his hands down and sorted out his tie and his shirt and then tucked his shirt into his pants. "There we go. Mr Adams. Have a wonderful day." She kissed him quickly on the lips and then turned around back to the girls.

"What about the girls?"

"I'll sort them out, just go. You'll be even later than you already are."

"Okay. Okay. I'm going. I love you." Pete ran from the kitchen, and out the door letting the door slam shut behind him.

"God give me strength. Your father infuriates me sometimes." Christine chuckled. She looked at the watch on her wrist before telling the girls it was time to leave. "Do you need me to walk you?"

"Mom serious?" Chelsea groaned as she picked up the bag her mother had left on the counter for her.

"What? It's my job to be like this. Chelsea will you be okay taking your sister to school?"

"Yeah I'll be fine. Her school's before mine right?" Her mother nodded towards her.

Chelsea walked down the road, to her school, luckily she didn't have to walk that far considering the place she now lived in wasn't a massive place to move around. She watched her sister go into school before carrying on her journey. The school was a lot different than the school she went to. First of all, this school didn't have large black gates guarding the entrance, this building looked budget and she could tell. As she moved further into the grounds, kids were everywhere. Hundreds of them, standing around chatting to each other, some of them where on skateboards, moving around fast and Chelsea had to jump out of the way a few times before safely making it into the building. She walked around like a lost puppy.

"Hi are you new?" A female voice popped up in front of her from behind the desk at the reception.

"Hiya, yeah I'm Chelsea Adams."

"Hm. Okay.. Adams... Adams... Adams... Ah yes. Chelsea Adams, a new student starting today." She handed her pieces of paper and Chelsea looked at them. "Here is your student programme, timetable and a little map to help you around the building for your first week." The receptionist smiled brightly at her. "So I see on your timetable you have history..." Chelsea glanced down at the piece of paper and instantly smiled. "I see you like History? Is that correct?" Chelsea nodded. "Okay. Let me show you to your class." Chelsea smiled a little and waited for the lady to show around.

Chelsea glanced around and waited for the door to open. "Hi Mrs Jackson. This is Chelsea Adams, she's starting today and History is her first lesson."

"Wonderful. Hi Chelsea, welcome to Jackson High. I'm the headmaster of the school, but I am covering this lesson this morning. Please come in and sit down."

Chelsea picked up her bag after the last lesson of the day and started to walk home. She walked slowly down the road, her first day at the new school was different to her other school but she liked it. A few seconds later a blond girl popped up next to her making Chelsea jump a little.
"Hi you're the new girl?" The blonde girl spoke.
"Yeah.." Chelsea replied.
"Well Hi, I'm Isabelle." She smiled brightly and Chelsea smiled back.
"I'm Chelsea." She spoke quietly.
"I saw you moved in... yesterday?" Chelsea nodded. "Yeah, don't worry I'm not a stalker or anything. I live down the same road. We're in the same classes." Chelsea cocked her eyebrow and looked at Isabelle strangely. "Oh yeah... I'm advanced for my age. Don't worry about it." She laughed.
"Okay then..."
"We'll be great friends. I just know it." Isabelle turned and walked over the other side of the street and went home while Chelsea just stood there for a good few minutes and then decided to walk in.

"Good day at school honey?" Her mother called from the kitchen.
"Yeah it was decent." Chelsea replied as she walked up the stairs to her room.

Long over due update - once again.

I'm putting it all into place, I should be giving regular updates soon....


Next chapter is going to be 3 years later.

The Transitioning Series: TransfiguringOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant