Chapter 2- Edited version

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On there way to Talia house Jazmin broke the slience

"Talia you got to go to that ball,and do you hear what the principal said ...that the prince need a fiance"

"I don't think so,do you realize that i live in a evil familywood??"

"Yes Lia i realize but you are almost 22 years old"

"Jaz do you realize that i am going to school and by the way i do not have time for a fiance"

" we are at your house"

"Do you want to come in because i want you to help me with my geography assignment that i got"

"Ok sure".

Jazmin parked the car ,when Jazmin went in the house she said to Talia

"Lia where are your step-sisters??... the house seem very quite"

"Remember that we pass them practising "

"Oh i totally forgot"

"Yeah,but they will be home soon''

Talia and Jazmin went upstairs ,went straight into Lia room, Jaz went in sat on Talia's bed then Jaz took out her Geography book

"Ok,let me help you with your homework and then we can talk"

"Ok,lets start then before my lazy step-sister comes home"

Jazmin just giggled..

A few minutes later Talia and Jazmin heard the door shut

"The two musketeers has arrived",Lia said

"So about the party,you have to go",Jazmin said

"I wish i could go but my step-father is not going to make me because i am locked up in this prison, only places i can go is the supermarket,school and back here"'Talia replied

When Talia and Jazmin were talking Stacey was going to her room when she heard them talking she notice that it was coming from Talia's room so she went up there and was peeking through the door because the door was slightly open then she heard Talis talking that she is planing to go to Prince Jaxon party. When she heard that she said to herself

"There is no where on this earth that she is going to that party wait until i tell triv she is going to tell dad that is so easier than i taught thats my plan,she's not going to get away with this'

With that she went to Triv room..

" no no no that's ain't going to happen not on my watch".
Then Stacey went to Trivina's room an she said to her:

"Triv we have a major problem"

"What dralzs??" ,Trivina said.

"Miss Talia is going to Prince Jaxon party"

"What!!",Trivina exclaim.

Then Trivina went downstairs to her father and said


"Hey sweety",Justin said

"Dad,Talia call me Trivia and that's not my name , she called me a self centered annoying fool and she is planning to go to the party that Prince Jaxon is keeping",Trivina said.

"I'm sure that she never met to say that are she dosen't mean it",reply justin.

"Yes dad she meant it",Stacey pop in the conversation.

"Dad are you making her go to that party??"Trivina asked.

"No she's not going she has to work the night shift tomorrow,...Talia! ,Downstairs now!'',Justin shouted.

"The great an mighty your highness has called me to his lair",Talia said in a sarcastic tone,rolling her eyes

They burst out into a fit of giggles..

Hey peeps hope you like this chapter .
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