A couple years later mudds p.o.v.

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After me and grant got home that one night we finished the mating process and we have three beautiful pups the oldest is named Madeline her wolf is a midnight black wolf with a white spot around her right eye and one brown paw. She has blue eyes and she is now 13 and she is our top fighter!!!! Our middle child is Andrew and his wolf is brown with a white spot on his chest, he is now 12 and our second best fighter!!!! Our youngest is Rachael her wolf is red with a black tipped tail and she is our best healer!!!!!! Ashley and Chester oops Damon I mean his real name is Damon and his middle name is Chester anyway those two are happy with four children. The oldest is Damon jr and his wolf is golden like Ashley's wolf he is now 13 and shares the top spot with Madeline!!!!!!! Their middle child is Sophia and her wolf is a black/purple wolf, she shares the second best spot with Andrew!!!!! And their two youngest are brad and Bret and they share the second best healer spot together. Me and grant couldn't be more happier that our pups are growing up to be great and we hope that they find their mates and they will be smart and follow their heart when they are older, me and Ashley spend more time together now more than ever we couldn't be happier talking as we watch our pups grown in front of our eyes. I haven't heard from Abeke and Nate since the day we got back they sent a letter telling me that they are sorry and that they remember everything from what happened and that they would see me soon when the time was right. Me and grant still run the pack until Madeline takes over with her mate!!!!!!!!
Hey this is the last chapter I hoped you I joyed it I don't think there will be a sequel but I will let you now when I figure it out

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