Mudds p.o.v.

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"Brain is so going to get it when my pack comes to get me which is in 2 weeks, since it takes a week to get here and a week to get everything together, ugh great" I thought to myself while in health class,(brain had made Mudd go) "class today we are going to write a me page" mrs. Lemke said "ugh great" I thought as I started to type,
"There is only one me,and that me is special to me. I have two ME'S the outside me and the inside me. You really only see the outside me who is shy, a nerd at something's, and a person who loves to read and write. Also the outside me shows that I love animals, I love to hunt, I love to shoot guns, I love to play soccer,and I am someone who likes to do boy stuff. Not every girl loves the stuff that I do or wants to do the stuff I love to do. That's what makes my outside me special. The inside me is kind of like my outside me, but my inside me is more private and likes to hold in my emotions. So let's say if I want to cry my inside me makes me hold it in so I can cry about it later. Also if I am worried my inside me makes me hold it in so I can worry about it later. The inside me likes to keep something's private. So let's say I am dating someone. I only want some people to know, not the whole inter school or world to know about it, but if it gets out, oh well, it's time to find something else to be private. The inside me makes me tough. Both of my ME'S work together to make one small, proud, and special me, and there is no there me like me, that what makes everyone's me special in there own ME'S way to be whoever they want to be". "Finally done" I thought as I printed it out for mrs. Lemke, "here mrs. Lemke all done" I said as I handed to her "nice job Mudd I love it, it explains you well" mrs. Lemke said "thank you" I said as I walked away. DING DING DING, "yes school is over" I thought, "really Mudd, anyway our pack is on their way" blue eyes told me "thank you blue eyes" I said to her "no prob" she said as closed the connection (athours note:sorry if this has never happened yet blue eyes and Mudd like every other wolfbloods they can talk to each other through their minds), "yes my pack is coming for me" I thought. "Mudd brain has allowed you to run back in wolf form but if you make a move to run away we have sleep darts can take out all around the forest" said a hunter "okay, I got but how can you keep up with me" I said as we walked into the woods "we got a way" said the other hunter "okay" I said as I transformed into blue eyes "finally it has been so long" said blue eyes "yeah you got that right" I answered back "okay let's get running" blue eyes said as she took off running in full speed. "The hunters actually keep up with us" blue eyes said "well they do have motorcycles that can go as fast as a Wolfblood at full speed" I pointed out the obvious to blue eyes "what ever" she said. "ROUGE up ahead" blue eyes shouted in my mind "crap" I said as we slowed down, "why did you slow down?" a hunter asked, then his question was answered "ahoooooooooooo" howled the rouge as he jumped at me "yip" I yelped as I jumped out of the way "yip" the rouge yelped as he hit a tree, "grrrrrrr" I growled at him "what are you doing attacking me rouge" I said to him through the mind link with Wild wolfbloods "I saw you and though if I could take you down I could get your pack but I guess not, are you going to kill me?" Said the rouge as he bowed down to me, "no I am not but those men over there are hunters and there are holding me hostage at a house, my pack is coming to get me now I need you to follow me but far enough so the hunters don't see you so that you can tell my pack where I am being held, then if you want you can be part of my pack" I said to him "why would I want to do that?" He asked "cause you don't have a mate and you are lonely and you part of a pack" I said " k thank you alpha...." He said "alpha Mudd" I said "thank you alpha Mudd" said the rouge "and you are" I asked "Chester" the rouge said "thank you Chester, now go" I said. "Where did that rouge go?" The hunter asked me and I gave him a wolf shrug "whatever just keep going" said the other hunter and we took off again.

Will Chester help Mudd out or will he just run off? Will Mudd ever be saved? How is grant doing? Has brain stopped hurting Mudd? Is abeke and Nate okay with the choices they made? Are abeke and Nate far away?

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