"Thanks for waiting," Anzu said briskly as she brought out their burgers. "At this restaurant, let me put plenty of ketchup on your burger." With the ketchup on the buns she read, I won't forgive you if you blab. Not bothered she ate her sandwich as Anzu brought up her dream to go to America and study dance in New York.

As the two assured Anzu she brought up to point out she did not care,"I traveled a lot. That's how I ended up here." How I came to another world I have no idea. Palkia help me, she thought of the Space Pokemon.

While they ate Jounouchi said,"Hey look, Something appears to be happening." Glancing she watched a man talk to the employees before they left the dining area. "No way ! Escaped Convict !?" Miho yelled before Anzu covered her mouth.

As they listened in they were shown a picture of a spikey haired guy. Looking out the door she saw no one who looked like that. "He's a Master of Disguise. It's rare to see him out of disguise," The officer explained. As Honda brought up checking them all the officer explained he had a pistol.

"Does the criminal have any other characteristic ?" She asked. "Three days ago, when stealing the jewels, it seems he had a struggle with the guard. The fallen guard was able to hit the fleeing culprit in the right calf with his baton, that might have left a mark."

Spilling the basket full of cars they ran through the restaurant looking for any marks. Going under a table that a woman was using she saw no bruise. Only when Anzu was stopped did the Police Officer show his badge and announce their being a criminal here. When she heard about the convicts reaction to eating eggs did she grin.

"Well then we should be able to tell since the bun's here have lots of beaten egg in them !" She said loudly. Hearing that the punk wearing the hat and shades began to react. Found him, she thought as the Officer went to check.

Blowing his cover he began to yell for a ambulance. "Fool. Our Burger is 100 % Wheat flour," Anzu pointed out. "Shit !' He cursed as he struggled to get free. The criminal with the bruise they learned was the manager, Yellow Spider Jirou. With the back of his shirt torn they saw a large spider tattoo on his back.

Jirou snatched the gun and grabbed her. "If you move, She's dead !" He said as he held the gun to her head. As Jirou had brought up he had Plastic Surgery and had used Tetsu the Hedgehog to have him take the blame for his crimes.

"Everyone get down !" Blindfolding her she could hear him say,"Humans, when they lose their sight, become so scared they can't even scream." Pulling her back he said,"Look." She could not bring out her pokemon to help, Even Misdreavus and Spritzee were in their Poke Balls.

Sliding into a booth she heard,"You, the gutless looking kid, you do it. The rest of you close your eyes and don't move. Anyone who does get's this." Bang ! A gun shot went off. Flinching at the sudden loud sound she tried not to fall out of the seat.

"First, bring me alcohol and tobacco. I had to quit all my old hobbies. I had quit smoking and drinking...However, now, in reverse I suddenly feel free !" Even through all she saw was darkness she could hear footsteps coming closer. They were light and made little noise, sounding very familiar.

Perking up she whirled to looked at the source. "Yugi ! Stay away !" She screamed. She did not want the Baby Panda here. "Shut up !" She heard the criminal yell as he slapped her. Falling she heard a faint noise. Did one of her Pokemon let themselves out ? "Alice !" Yugi screamed.

Who came out ? "Those who manhandle my precious Alice will suffer. However, I like letting a chance decide that," She heard Yami say. She heard a bottle being placed. "I brought it just as you wished."


As Alice was slapped she came out unnoticed and hid herself. The other Yugi that her trainer called Yami had appeared. She watched as Yami sat down and challenged the brute human to a game. Not forgetting the last one she stayed silent as the Yami No Game began.

The rule was you could only move one of the ten fingers. As Alice was grabbed back into her seat the two decided which finger they would use. Yami picked his thumb and the criminal his first finger.

"Game start !" As the man got ready to shoot Yami brought out a lighter and lit his cigarette. She watched as the man breathed in the foul smoke while Alice scrunched her nose. Her trainer had always had a sensitive nose that could smell better then the average human. Right now that was not a good thing as Alice began to turn red.

"This lighter...You can have it back. I'll leave it here," Yami said as he placed the still lit lighter on the man's hand that held the bottle. "That alcohol is Russian Senowolf. Ninety percent alcohol." The glass cup had overflowed and began to cover the man. If he fired the lighter would move and since he was covered in alcohol he would be burned.

"I'd like to see you fire your gun. The recoil would drop the lighter. Let's go Alice," Yami said as he grabbed the still blindfolded girl. She watched as the man set down his gun to take the lighter off. "I knew you wouldn't be able to obey the rules."

Yami had that glowing eye again. "The Yami No Game reveals the true nature of humans. For rule breakers, it's destined to be a punishment game. The door of darkness opens," Yami said as the man got ready to fire. He began to be covered in flames that licked at every inch of his body.


"Well I'd rather be around Yugi any day and time then get a part time job," she said as she tried to lighten the mood. "Really ?" Yugi asked with a faint blush. "Yep." Yami, he called me precious, she thought.

They went to Beef Noodle Shop. Greeting them in cow printed shirts and red aprons with cows was Miho and Honda. "Y-you guys are still doin' that ?"

"But Miho wants new clothes !" Miho whined. "And I'll fall as far as Miho needs," Homda replied. "Oh brother," she sweat dropped at that reply. You'd think after her being a bullet away from dying those two would learn.

Honda would rob a bank if Miho had asked him, she thought.

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