July 4th, 1992

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July 4th, 1992 was the day of our second date. He didn't say where we were going, just to wear something fancy. I put on a slimming black dress, and the diamond necklace and earring set that my mother had given me for graduation, along with a pair of black flats.

River said he would pick me up at 6:30, and that's exactly when he rang out doorbell. Seeing as I was the only one home, I ran to the door, still putting my right earring in. "Good evening, River," I said, opening the door with my left arm and pushing my earring back in with my right.

"You look stunning," He told me.

"Thank you. Would you like to come in?" I asked him. He shook his head.

"We don't have a lot of time, 7:00 dinner reservations downtown, but I brought you some flowers if you want to go put them in a vase or something," He suggested, holding out a bouquet of flowers. In it were three beautiful red roses in the middle with lilies, my favorite flower, surrounding them.

"Thank you, River. They're gorgeous," I said, taking them from him. I opened the door a bit wider and told him to follow me, it would be a moment before I found a proper vase.

As soon as I did, I filled it up with water, put the flowers in, and left. Being the gentleman that he was, he of course opened the car door for me before getting in himself.

We were quiet for a minute, and I could see him looking at me out of the corner of his eye when he said, "You're not wearing any makeup." I shook my head.

"No, I don't usually wear any. Sometimes a bit of mascara and some lipgloss, but not tonight. Why, is that bad? Should I put some on next time?" I asked him. He looked over at me from the drivers seat.

"No, I think you look beautiful like this. Natural, even. I don't really think you even need mascara," He admitted to me. I smiled, probably wider than I ever have.

"I love your smile, Lucy," He said.

"Thank you." And then there was silence, until we pulled into a small parking lot. He came over to get the door for me after he got out, and I took his hand as we walked into the restaurant. We had never held hands before, it was only our second date.

"So where are we?" I asked as we were walking in. The area was beautiful, a nice restaurant overlooking a beach, the sun setting perfectly into place.

"This is a nice little vegetarian restaurants I found a few months ago. It's fancy, expensive, sit down, and I like it better than those other horrible restaurants that serve meant," He told me.

"It looks beautiful in here, River. Thank you for taking me," I said. He smiled.

"So you're okay with it?" He asked me. I raised my eyebrow.

"Okay with what?"

"The restaurant."

"Yeah, of course. I've always wanted to be a vegetarian, actually. But my parents and I used to always eat dinner together when I was younger, every night at the exact same time, and she didn't know how to cook tofu and things like that... Maybe now this is my chance," I said. He smiled widely and his eyes lit up. He was proud of me, I could tell by that and the way squeezed my hand, although he said nothing.

Me, being new at the whole vegetarian thing, just ordered a nice salad.

After our meal, River paid, and we went back to the car.

"Now for the fireworks?" He asked me.

A/N: Since it's Wednesday and this seems to be the only story I can actually write right now, why not give you guys another chapter? Is anyone enjoying reading this as much as I am writing? Let me know!!! What do you want to see in this story, what do you enjoy, dislike, anything?

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