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September 28th
Grade 2

These were the times where we repeated everything our siblings to neighbors said, from insults to compliments. We knew how to say them just not how they affected the people around us.

Justin, one of my friends, giggled a little and pointed at Jesse, a girl in my class who the teacher always mistakes as me. "Her hair, it's to curly." I pouted a little cause my hair was curly too actually in fact, it was way curlier then Jesse's.

I looked at Justin and tried to insult without actually pointing at him. I pointed at shorter kid running around with one of his mates. I had no idea who he was. "He's fat."

Ari laughed but Justin didn't. "Your fat too. Look at your cheeks." Right to my face. "Well... you look like a rat."

Justin looked at me like I had crossed his boundaries. "Oh yeah! I didn't want to say this before but... no one likes your curls!"


"I think Louis heard you..." Ari quietly said. I turned to see the boy who I had just called fat, Louis, on the gravel of the playground silently crying.

"It's not my fault, he's probably crying because he fell." His friend who was chasing him stopped and asked him why he was crying. Zayn. He was in my class. I knew him because he sits across from me at the table, in class. He was a bit intimidating if I hadn't known better they were best friends.

Suddenly I noticed the Louis going inside. I didn't think much of it until one of Louis' other friends, Stan, came over with one of his hips cocked out. "I hope you have to talk to the principle after that. He was never mean to you."

Think fast! He's going to tell.

I ran up to him and bent down in front of him. I wrapped one arm around his bum and one around his back and then without hesitation. I lifted him up.

He doesn't weigh as much as it seems.

I had him in my arms as I began spun in a single circle with him. He wrapped his legs and arms around me. His head suddenly hit mine, which I later found out he was just dizzy. "Oops?" His voice was small weak.

His bottom lip shook and his eyes pooled with tears. I dropped him to his feet a pulled him back in for a hug. "Hi."

"You called me fat."

I caused this pained look on his face and ache visible in his blue eyes. I can never let that happen again. His eyes began pouring at a rapid pace.

"Imma sorry Lou, I didn't mean it."

He peeled back a little and wiped his face with his fist wiping buggerd across his face. I pulled him back in for a hug. "I'm really super sorry Lou Lou. I didn't mean to." Zayn came over and took him away from me. Just like that. I no longer had Louis in my arms.

"I could tell you were trouble just by looking at you." Zayn caused my back to shake with chills.

Zayn began carrying Louis on his way inside. "He just said sorry Zaynie," Louis slowly wrapped himself around Zayn as he slowly began hiccuping. "No Lou. Let's go inside." I heard them say as they continued to walk.

I couldn't help but stare. Louis eyes meet mine half way there. Then he said something. I didn't know if it was directed to me or Zayn. On top of that I had no idea what he said. If I thought about it hard enough. It looked like he said, "elephant shoe"

I turned around and was stopped the teacher. She smiled and said.

"What you see,
is what you'll be.
But you should fear,
What you don't hear,
Say it again it'll soon be clear."

You know it was considered some dumb joke. It was a joke. It was just a riddle I'd soon forget.

I told mom what happened. I told her how Justin was rude to me. I even told her about Louis. She was mad at first that I had called Louis fat, but as if something flickered in her brain. She began looking at me differently.

She told me karma was going to be a mean to me. Karma was my teachers name. Then I remembered what that teacher said, and I told her the riddle.

Mom got mad and sent me to bed for joking like that but it was all truths. Even though I wanted to argue with mom about lying. I just traveled to bed with an obnoxious guilty feeling in the pit of my stomach.

But time passed. I hated it. Everything changed. Everyone dressed differently. Even I changed. I hated it so much. Even after all these years I went to sleep thinking the same thing every night.

I hope Louis forgave me.

Just Some Game (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now