Chapter 11

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I woke in a dark room. My hands were tied above by chains, and my feet were being pulled down by anvil that hung from them. I had no idea where the ground was. I hung from a ceiling, with no walls in sight. The dark surrounded me; I could feel the shadows writhing around my bare torso. Absence of light was one thing, this was literal darkness. My head spun, and my vision was blurry. I hung my head again,  leaning into the darkness.
The next time I woke, everything looked the same. But something was different. A chill ran down my back. I just couldn't place a finger on it. I hung there, then, groaning, tugging at my chains. I knew I could probably break them, but who knew what would happen then? I had to take the chance. I was a son of poseidon. I closed my eyes, thinking about all the water in my body. I was 70% water. I put all of that amount of my body weight into my arms, and concentrated. I felt a sharp tug in my gut. It got stronger. I felt like someone had driven a sword through my gut.
I tugged, using the pain to power me. The chains creaked, and I tugged, the handcuffs around me wrists dug into my hands, pressing deeper and deeper. Blood streamed down my arms, dripping onto my face. It rolled down, combining with sweat, getting into my eyes. The pain was too much. With one final scream, I tugged. And the chains broke. And I fell.
I fell through shadows. They embraced me, curled around me, suffocating me. My movements were incredibly slowed down, even though my body rocketed through the  shadows. This place had to have some incredible power to hold me back like this. I fell for what seemed like an eternity. But finally, I started to slow down. Shadows forced my eyes closed. They bound my hands and feet, shoving their way into my mouth. Then the darkness seeped into my ears, into my mind. And I had a vision.
Apokalypse. And Chaos.
"I have always known what you were, Percy. Don't say anything. Our time is limited. You have to kill Apokalypse and Order, and break this cycle. You need to make a sacrifice. It needs to be made to the hole. This sacrifice will be one to give amazing power. And through this sacrifice yo-Apokalypse, and Order will have to be destroyed."
I was to shocked to notice that he stuttered. I blinked a few times, and nodded my head. Then my world span, and I started to fall again, leaning into the darkness one final time.
The next time I awoke, I was still strapped to a ceiling. My feet hung. Right in front of my face, a lightbulb flickered dimly, casting shadows across the room. The floor was dirty, stained with darkened blood, and what looked like white powder. I didn't want to know where it came from. Suddenly the room trembled. A figure walked in, and outstretched his hand. A sharp pain ensued in my brain, and My vision literally went red. My eyes started to bleed. I felt a cold hand on my torso, gentle for a second, beofr it pushed, throwing me against the wall. My chains broke, and followed, shackled to my wrists. I still couldnt see. I felt two piercing pains in my wrists, blood flowing down my forearms. I almost passed out again. But I didn't. I fought, I fluht for Annabeth, for Chaos, for my dead mom, for camp half blood. The place had once been my home. And no matter what, I still had to fight for it, and the world. Blood dripped onto the floor. I could hear the pitter patter of it, I could smell it. My vision was red for hours. The pitter patter echoed in the room for hours. The pain ensued, for hours. And finally it stopped, and I could see. Blood everywhere. A figure leaned against the far wall. A pitch black shape, a perfect man, one accented only by two red horns. It was the kind of male figure showed in medical books, but this was intimidating. They were tiny and stood upon his head.
The figure walked towards me, and waves of power emanated from it. It hurt. It burned my insides, a weird sort of torture, worse than anything I had felt in my lifetime.
"Enjoying my Devillic form?"
"Who-what are you?"
"I am Order. Organization. Some people like to refer to me as 'the devil'. The concept comes from this form of mine. It's...evolved over time."
Suddenly, the blackness rippled, and a suit took form. A black tie, a black shirt. A black suit. Red cufflinks, however. His face remained completely black.
"Perseus Jackson. You are so many things. Son, friend, brother, demigod, Immortal, Loyal. But there is one thing you are not."
"And what might that be?
"You are enemy."
I laughed.
"What makes you say that?"
"Your enemy, is Apokalypse. My enemy is Apokalypse. All of us primordials hate each other. But Apokalypse...everyone hates him. But he is more powerful than all of us combined. He gathers power over time. The longer he waits until he decides to bring around the apocalypse, the stronger he gets, because there is power in patience, and investment. And you see, both of us want the same thing. To destroy destruction. I want order-"
"I want Chaos. The universe needs Chaos. You are a brutal dictator, Order."
"Yes, but I seek no destruction."
I growled at him.
"Think about it, Percy Jackson. You would do well with me on your side. I can help you defeat Apokalypse. And my price? Chaos."
"Chaos? What does that mean?"
"I see I've piqued your interest. However, you should ask him. He will tell you. Now, leave me. It was hard enough intercepting Apokalypse to get you. Go back to your camp. Think about my offer. Know this though. I will not offer twice. I may not be as powerful as Apokalypse, but I am less brute force. I am cunning and strategic. And I will destroy everything in my path, if need be."
And his suit melted, a black goo came off. It was like black paint rinsing off of a white suit. The blackness leaped at me, and I leaned into it.

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