Chapter 7

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I rushed outside, only to see an army gathered on the hill. I quickly spread my arms, and my armor came flying at me. I slid my sword into my sheath, pulling out my scythes. The campers had started to assemble at the bottom of the hill, all of them fixing their armor, their swords at awkward positions. I jumped off of the hill that our cabin was located on, in front of the small group of campers.
I screamed, slicing up with one arm, beheading a monster. My legs started vibrating, and I crouched. My eyes closed, before they reopened, glowing a sparky purple. Lightning arced off of my body, as I released my tense muscles like a spring, jumping straight through the air. I whirled around in midair, deflecting an arrow headed towards my back, turning around, slicing and hacking heads, as I shot through the battle like a missile. I clipped my scythes to my side, as I grabbed the head of a monster, pushing him down, so that he was bent backward, and his neck broke, as I used his head as a fulcrum, to throw my legs onto the other side, pushing off another monsters head, back through air. I somersaulted before I hit the ground, skidding back a few feet, creating a mini trench. I finally rushed forward, running at the speed of sound, heads being flung everywhere, as my scythes cut through flesh. I ran straight forward, giving an uppercut to a man in white armor, as he flew through the air. I jumped up after him, and we wrestled in midair; I used the water in the air to support me, and he blasted fire at the ground, using the force to propel himself. He sliced at me with his dual sword, which I blocked over and over. Soon we were but just a blur, sparks clanging from where our swords met. Finally, he slashed up with one, the second following close behind. See, this is a powerful strike, because, it holds a huge amount of strength behind it, and both swords hit you. If you step back, your opponent can use the second sword with not as much momentum to stab. And since it's not straight up, it's harder to sidestep. I stepped back, narrowly dodging the first one, but when the stab came, I was ready. I sidestepped as much as I could, which was still hard, considering that I was floating. The sword missed my heart, going through my shoulder with a sickening sound. I slammed his wrist with one of my scythes, so that his sword left his hand, still impaled in my shoulder. Then I kicked him in the face, near his temple, so he lost his concentration, and fell through the air. I winced, drawing the sword out of my shoulder, dropping it straight down, so it followed his path. As he hit the ground, bouncing back up, his bones visibly shattering, the sword impaled him in the air, coming down with him. The campers slowly formed a circle, looking at him. The general of Order's legions. This was barely a scout group. He probably had a thousand of these. I looked down at my shoulder which was bleeding less. In case of these emergencies, the cloth in my shirt instantly became a skin graft of sorts, weaving itself with my skin, like artificial tissue. I groaned, letting the air currents whisk me away.

As I floated to the ground, I stumbled forwards, feeling the familiar ground under my feet. My knees buckled, and I collapsed. Annabeth quickly rushed to my side, kneeling over me.
I could sense her indecisiveness.
"Sorry, Percy"
"It's fine. Do what you have to."
With that, she quickly slammed her knife in front of my head, which created a blast just strong enough to push the campers back from the tight circle they had made around me. I got up, pulling my cloak off. My shirt stuck to my shoulder, as I winced at the movement. My armor all clanged onto the ground, and I heard gasps around me. Annabeth removed the shirt, and I heard more gasps. But this time, they came from the general direction of the aphrodite cabin. Except one. That last one came from Annabeth. Scars covered my torso, brands from torture, stabs, arrows, cuts...and across my left rib, there was one more.
It was carved into my skin, the reason why Annabeth had never seen me shirtless. She ran her fingers deftly over it, her hood falling. I felt a tear fall onto my shoulder, and as the salty water burned my flesh, I grimaced. Her eyes widened, and she squeezed my shoulder, muttering some incantations. A white lite surrounded her fist and my shoulder, and I screamed. It felt as if she was pouring poison in it. Then, a green and black liquid oozed out. I doubled over, coughing up blood. In front of me, where the liquid touched the grass, it sizzled, and the grass died. Poison. As it oozed out of both sides of the wound, I screamed again. But this time it was one filled with pure, raw, physical pain. The acidic poison trickled down my back, and Annabeth's hand still squeezed my shoulder. Her eyes were glowing white by now, as white tendrils of pure energy, burned in the hole where I had been stabbed. Poison kept on being squeezed out, and I could smell something burning. Flesh. My flesh. Finally, I blinked, woozily. The people in front of me doubled, and slowly dissapeared. Then, everything went black.

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