Chapter 2

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        I outstretched my hand and gave Chaos the full report of my last succesfull mission. He took it and put it into some portal he just opened. 

"Thanks, Percy."

"No problem."

        I walked to the training grounds, where I saw the army standing at attention. I put up my hood, and stood in front of all of them. I projected my voice, and spoke.

"Today, I will have you practice team attack strategies. All of you, all 1 million, will attack me. After that, I will discuss strategies with you, and you will all practice them. clear?"

The sound of one million spear butts hitting the ground echoed throughout the room, and I knew they understood. 


They all charged at me. One million of the strongest warriors in the universe, and all I did was smile. Then the back of the army stopped and pulled out their bows. They arranged themselves in a half circle, around the rest of the army, the most skilled archers in the back. The very front charged at me with swords, and the people behind put up shields. And the ones behind them but in front of the archers, got their javelins ready. Just as the swordsmen came close, I raised my hand, and a wall of chaotic fire came up. They charged right into it. Then shot the archers. 300,000 arrows came at me, all of different assortments. I opened up a bunch of portals, putting the arrows out into the hole. The hole was the eternal and ultimate prison. But there weren't nearly enough portals. I stopped time for a second, and quickly analyzed where the rest of the arrows were. Burning the image in my mind, I resumed the clock. Pulling out my sword, I sliced through three that were next to each other. I dodged a few to my right, and swung my sword up, deflecting some more. I kept dodging and deflecting the arrows, until they seemed gone. Just then I turned around and swung both legs of the ground, bending my back backwards and set my hands firmly on the floor. I kicked the last arrow, out of it's original path, while doing a back flip of sorts, and slid back a few feet on my feet, my fingers trailing on the ground. I got up and turned around, just in time to notice a line of shields charging at me, the javelin throwers running behind them, throwing as they went. This time I raised my hand and a bolt of lightning struck my palm, being deflected, then shattering into a million more shards, striking the javelins; disintegrating them. Then ice crawled up my arms, and I held them both out in front of me, shards flying off of my arms, one sticking in each shield. The ice in the shields spread and shattered, destroying the shields along with them. They had no more weapons left. I summoned a recliner out of thin air, and collapsed into it, and said with a bored tone

"Anyone else?"

They all shook their heads, but then one person came out. She had on a white cloak, and golden armor.

"Of course there is, seaweed brain"

I grinned.

"You're on, wise girl."

With that, she charged at me. She pulled out two daggers out of the air, that were made of pure light, and slashed up right in front of me. I dodged to the right, while my light, smaller sword transformed into a broad, two-handed, heavy sword. With a little effort, I picked it up, and swung down right where I was standing. This time it was her turn to dodge. She bent back, and did a back flip, kicking off the sword for momentum. I changed my sword back into a small one which I tossed away into a portal. I pulled out a dagger out of the darkness, made purely out of shadows. I ran at her, but at the last moment, doing a spin move around her, I put my knife at her throat. Knowing I had won, I relaxed. And she took this moment to her advantage. She threw herself forward, and her neck went straight through my blade, dissolving it in the process. I cursed under my breath. It was pretty easy pulling objects out of a portal, or out of thin air, but when one crafted something out of shadows, it required a fair amount of concentration to keep it solid.

"Still the same I see. Always letting your guard down a bit to early." She challenged me mockingly.

"Oh, but did I?"

Just then she realized that somehow I was standing right next to her, although a second ago I was a hundred feet away. She turned around, her fist burning with a golden fire and she punched me, straight in my diaphragm. I staggered back, wheezing and gasping for air.

"Yeah, you did" She smirked, and I realized that I had to win this, or she would always hod this against me. 

I grinned, and my right arm slowly froze. With the other, I pulled of my shirt, leaving just my cloak, and pants on. For a second, her eyes flitted down to my 8- pack, put she quickly regained her composure. My cloak turned into water, but still stayed in shape. My other hand was taken by chaotic fire. I walked toward her slowly, and threw some ice shards into the ground in a circle around us. I lit their tips with chaotic fire, and the gaps between shards were filled with water. I stopped controlling my cloak, and it fell, with a splash, around me. 

"Shit just got real, Chase."

She smirked devilishly.

"Oh, did it? Sorry, it didn't really feel like it. Anyways, all in?"

I simply nodded

"You can choose one of your powers to use, and one weapon. We fight without cloaks, and no biting or scratching. We shan't use our wings, and thus they do not count as powers. Along with that, your weapon may not be able to transform into another, and it must be made of only chaotic metal. There shall be no protection, and only enough clothing to cover sensitive areas will be worn. The fight will have no set time, and the only way out will be a willing forfeit, or death. There shall be no forced defeat."

"Yeah, whatever."

A bright light ensue, surrounding us. The chaotic fire was extinguished, the ice melted, and the water collapsed. Both of our clothes were replaced with armored underwear, to say it simply.

I held out one hand, and there was a black spark. A small flame of chaotic fire sputtered weakly, slowly becoming a fuller flame. In my other hand, a broad, long, one-handed blade appeared, a black sword known as the chaos' blade. The legend behind this was that he had struck down his brother, known as Order, and taken the universe as his. Order was evil, and almost impossible to defeat. The blade that I held, was black, the bottom, circular, and a straight blade, coming out of the circle. It was around 4 feet long, and the grip was made of leather.

She looked at me, as if analyzing everything. She held out her hand, and unlike me, a column of bright white and gold fire rose. This was called entropy fire. It was similar to chaotic fire, and once again, similarly, it was the only fire able to melt entropy metal. While chaotic fire was actually freezing cold, it's temperature going lower than anything known to other planets, entropy fire was burning hot. Both could potentially destroy someone's very existence. Me and Annabeth were the only ones to wield the two fires. She stuck her other hand out and mused for a second. A white dagger, 2 feet long appeared. Only weapons of entropy or chaotic metal were allowed, though, when starting these fights, you were only supposed to say chaotic metal, since it was the more common one. Entropy metal was more rare, but chaotic metal was a tad bit stronger.

We both kneeled on one knee, bowing our heads down, placing our weapons in front of us. A circle glowed a hot red around us, and it slowly cooled to glow a bright purple. There was our border. When we got up, I caught her eye, and through a telepathic conversation that only came through years of knowing each other, I wished her good luck. She nodded back grimly. These battles were very serious, and happened rarely. Both of us got ready, and waited for the signal. There was a loud, indescribable sound, and we slowly stalked toward each other.

And once again, let the games begin

sorry guys, I know my chapters are really short. I like to write, but when I do, I can only do it for a certain amount of time, and I don't like dragging chapters on. I'd rather give quicker updates, than longer ones. Thanks for reading :) 

Percy Jackson: Guardian of the ApocalypseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora