Chapter 6

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I walked to where Annabeth was, and watched as she taught kids how to shoot arrows. She looked over at me and nodded. I walked in front of all of them, and they quickly put their bows down. I cleared my throat and spoke.

"I'm gonna give you a little demonstration."

I pulled a bow out of the air. It was mine. It was silver and black, and it had a taut bowstring. I pulled a sheath of arrows out of the air as well, slinging them over my back. I pulled the first one out, double-checking to make sure that it was a fire arrow. I set it on the string, and pulled it back, completely aware of my muscles bulging. The bowstring slipped through my thumb with a crack, as the arrow flew away from the bow, hitting the target in the center. Behind it followed another arrow splitting the first one through the middle, hitting it hard enough to go through the target. After that I ran to the side, so that I was now horizontal to the target, instead of in front. Everything was on fire by now, and I shot an arrow high enough to skim the top of the flames, so that it caught on fire. It went through a few trees until it fell into the water, and the fire spread on the water; soon the whole lake looked majestic. The campers looked stunned as to how fire was spreading on water. I summoned a huge wave, and the fire was extinguished. I walked away, deciding to go to the swordsmen.


There were kids clanging swords. Poorly. For the next half hour I taught them how to hold them, and pick out a well-balanced one for them. Call me old-fashioned, but swordsmen were way better back in my day. Anyways, thats how the rest of my day was spent. Training a whole bunch of campers, and giving legit demonstrations.


I walked to my new cabin, and entered. My brother wasn't here, but he was probably somewhere in camp. I snapped my fingers, and the inside shrunk, so that it was just like a regular cabin, and mimicked my old one. I sat down on my bed, and sighed. I had to tell them. Who I really was. Or else, I would never gain their full and complete trust. Annabeth had told Nico and Leo who she really was, and soon I would have to do the same. But first, I had to tell Annabeth. What had happened to me. I got up, and pulled my cloak off. I put on a black muscle tee, and jeans. Over my t-shirt, I slipped on a navy hoodie, pulling the hood over. As I walked outside, I was hit by the cool night breeze. I didn't know where to find Annabeth, so I went to the Arena. Instead of Annabeth, I found a certain Clarisse. She was hacking away at a dummy, and I could see the frustration. She looked the same as all those years ago, however, a but more mature. Her muscles weren't as prominent, instead of being kind of bulky, she was much more lean now. She stabbed another dummy, and screamed in anger. She tossed her sword down, turning around to see me. And I got a good look at her face. She had tears rolling down her cheeks, and she wasn't sweaty at all. Seeing me, her eyes widened.

"Hey. Hey, you alright?"

I said softly. Instead of rejecting me, she went and sat in one of the seats looking down on the arena. She looked at me hopefully, and I sat next to her. We sat there for some time, since I really didn't know what to say. She spoke first.

"Can I tell you something?"

I put a hand on her shoulder. "Anything."

"I really miss Percy. I used to like him, but I hid it. I know he didn't feel the same about me, but still. Sometimes, I think, if I hadn't been such a bitch, could I have gotten to him before Annabeth? And thats all fine though, I had gotten used to my jealousy, but then...then we betrayed him. I thought the rumors were true, I..I don't know why I believed them. I got even more mad, that...that the guy who I liked so much, even looked up to, was a bad person, that he didn't do anything to save the kid, Drew."

"Yeah, well. Sometimes, in life, we don't get exactly what we want. Sometimes what we get is better, sometimes its worse. But then we accept it, we move on. Because, you lock yourself in a pit. And the only person who can get you out is"

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