12:What To Do

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"... Around what month was she with you?"

"Hmm... She was there for about 3 months and I'd say... it was between March to the end of May."

"oh! I see why!"

"You do?!"

"I must have been training with Father to be an exorcist during that time. So I was gone during most of it!"

"You sure?!"

"Yeah. And I remember during that time you were so happy... I never knew why... But I think I do now. Plus after those 3 months, I remember your happiness..." Yukio's eyes saddened "your happiness was faded... You were still happy with me and father but... You were never as happy as you were then..."

"So you believe that she really was my friend then?"

"...Yes, I think so."

Rin sighed in relief. "Good. I was starting to think she was tricking me or something."

Then Yukio said "oh Rin, one more question"


"How did you get that "meeting Ayana-San" memory without that necklace she gave you?"

Rin looked down at the blue crescent moon "... I really have no idea..."

"... I see... Well anyway! Have you had dinner yet?"

"Oh yeah, I did earlier! I made some dinner for you too."

"Okay thanks. I'll just go eat then"


Rin and Yukio smiled at each other then Yukio walked out the door.

Rin heard Yukio say "oh hey Kuro!" Not too long later, Kuro walked into the room, and when he did, Kuro saw Rin running around the entire room looking for something. He looked under the bed, behind the door, in the closet... Everywhere.

"Umm Rin? What are you looking for?" Kuro sweat dropped

"Oh Kuro! I'm looking for Ayana! She was here a second ago, now she's gone."

"You think she left?"

"Yeah maybe-" Rin then stopped himself when he looked at the window. He slightly saw an arm near the edge of it. Rin walked on his desk, to the window and put his hands on the ledge and popped his head outside. He looked to his left and saw Ayana.

She was sitting on the ledge with her feet dangling and her hands rested beside her. She was gazing at the sunset, not even bothering to look at Rin.

"Hey" Rin said

Ayana glanced at Rin, then she gave him a soft smile. Then she replied


"So you woke up?"

"No. I'm still sleeping"

"Ha-ha very funny"

Rin and Ayana were softly laughing then Rin said "well... You must have slept well right?"

"Yeah that was the best I ever slept! Thanks for letting me sleep."

"Hehe no problem!" Rin gave a toothy grin and scratched the back of his neck

It was silent for a while, until Rin said"hey Ayana? Can I ask you something?"

"Hm? What is it?"

"Well um... How did I get that memory of meeting you before you gave me this?" Rin pointed at his necklace.

"Hmm... When did you start remembering it?"

Demons Together (A Blue Exorcist Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang