Kim Taehyung

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Fact 1: V's nickname's are TaeTae (friends call him TaeTae~ because it's easy to say) and Blank Tae (because he always has a blank expression).

Fact 2: Habits :
Biting his nails; opening his mouth; touching anything that's cute; saying 'Eomma!" and "It hurts!"

Fact 3: His favorite number is 10.

Fact 4: V's favorite colors are black, white and green.

Fact 5: All members choose V as the Strangest Member of BTS because he has 4D.

Fact 6: About V
"Sometimes he's worse than the maknae. (laughs) It's fascinating."

"Everyone says this but people with blood type AB are either a complete genius or a complete idiot. He's both. But sometimes he comes up with really good ideas and surprises us."

"At first, i thought his (unique) behavior was all made up. I mean, how can a man like that exist in the world? I really thought he was acting. I was wrong, though. He exists. He's a really unusual guy. I've never seen someone like him before. (V Who came from the stars). He doesn't seem normal."

Rap Monster:
"In my opinion, he's 10% genius and 90% idiot (laughs)."

"V-Hyung wants to do a lot of things, but it seems like he has no patience. Sometimes, I talk about this with Jimin Hyung."

"V-Hyung hates losing to others. He used to play the saxophone but started the guitar after seeing me play it."

"I've seen V playing a dual role during his laundry (lifting the weariness of chores with monodrama). He gathers the clothes talking to himself."

Fact 7: Taehyung:
"My stage name was chosen last. Six, Lex, and V were the three names that were suggested but the members and PD all said that V fit me the best and so I picked V to stand for victory."

Fact 8: V has never been in a serious relationship before.

Fact 9: He has watched all of the episodes of anime such as Digimon Adventure, Wolf Children, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, One Piece, Summer Wars, Piano No Mori, and other works of Director Hosada Mamoru.

Fact 10: V was the last to be revealed as a member of BTS.

Fact 11: V's favorite items are a computer, big dolls, clothes, shoes, accessories, and anything unique.

Fact 12: He wants to marry his first love and be with her forever.

Fact 13: If V could have any super power, he'd want to be able to talk to cars. (XD wut)

Fact 14: He likes to tease ARMY in fan meets.

Fact 15: He imagines to have a Tae Tae Magazine for updates about BTS to share to A.R.M.Y.

Oh, precious Taehyung... lol next is Rap Mon. Thanks for reading! <3

please don't call Tae an alien or 4D. He has expressed that he hates when fans call him that and it's just rude so let's respect him.

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