I Bought A Vampire At An Auction Chapter Eleven

Start from the beginning

"Stop it! Let. Her. GO!" came Austin's furious yell as I screamed and sobbed. Blood poured down my body. My shredded shirt hung limply from my body. I had three deep, long gashes running from the top of my neck down to below my bellybutton. I had never felt so much pain before! I wanted to die so badly. I couldn't stand this. I wanted the pain to end. It had to end. It had to.

I was startled to feel a sudden tingling in my stomach. It felt like my entire stomach was heating up. It felt good! I looked down to see that my stomach was glowing. Whoa! How is that happening? It glowed a bright blue with white flecks in it, like orbs. There was a flash and then suddenly my wounds sealed together, leaving behind only a faint ache. I stared at where the cuts had been just seconds before, amazed. What just happened? How is that possible? What does this mean?

Whatever it was, I was extremely grateful for. The pain was almost completely gone now. It looks like I finally got something I asked for. My pain had ended. But how? I looked up to see that everyone was staring at me. Austin looked perplexed and awed at the same time, Marcus looked outraged, the guards looked simply dumbfounded.

"What did you do? How did that happen?!" Marcus roared, echoing my thoughts. I stared at him and shrugged the best I could in the chains without saying anything. I honestly didn't know. I don't even think I did that. Last I checked, I didn't have the ability to heal myself. I had absolutely no idea how this was even possible.

Marcus came over and examined my stomach. I tried not to cringe from the proximity. I did flinch when he touched where my wounds had been before. His skin was cold and hard. It repulsed me.

Marcus looked up at me when I thought this and his eyes flashed red. Snarling he backed away from me.

"No matter," he said. "You can heal your wounds all you want. It'll still be fun to create them. Guards, get me a weapon!" The guards scurried off to do his bidding and Marcus came to whisper in my ear. "This time, I'll cut you so deep there will be nothing left to heal. You shouldn't have done that, stupid girl. I'm done being merciful to you. You've crossed the line," he snarled. I cringed away and he lifted his head, taking the weapon the guard was handing him now.

I don't know what I did to make him so mad. I had never done anything wrong. I always seem to be punished for other people's mistakes. It was Austin's idea to leave, not that I blamed him for anything. It was my mom who died and I payed for it. It wasn't fair. Of course, I didn't wish harm for either Austin or my mom, but I wish that harm wouldn't come to me for what wasn't my fault. Life was so cruel to me.

Austin was snarling again, growling as his father raised his weapon. It was a spear with a jagged end. I closed my eyes when he raised it over his head, aiming straight for my stomach. There was no way I was going to survive this. Realizing this, I quickly opened my eyes and met Austin's. He was staring at me with an agonized expression, fear and rage written all over his face. I tried to tell him everything with his eyes. I tried to tell him that I loved him and that I was sorry and that I was going to die. I tried to tell him that he had to let me go. That he had to move on after my life was over. I wasn't worth him being in pain. He should just forget about me. I hoped that he did. I hope that everyone just forgot about my miserable life here. I hope they act like I never even existed. That would be easiest for everyone.

Austin seemed to have gotten everything that I was trying to express to him and his struggling became even fiercer. He was shaking his head with tears in his eyes. He stared at me with a pleading expression, begging me not to leave him. I will hate myself forever for hurting him, but there was nothing I could do. Marcus was about to kill me. He would throw that dagger at me and I will barely even have time to register the pain before it takes me under. I know I will never resurface.

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