I Bought A Vampire At An Auction Chapter Eleven

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"Welcome to the Middle Ages." I trembled in fear as he said these words. "You certainly have been a very naughty little girl, Carmen," he drawled. "Running away from us was not a very good idea, dear." Marcus shook his head and clucked his tongue. "And look what's come of it." HIs gaze landed on my now flat stomach. Pain and anger curled through me. "You're no longer pregnant. How hard that must've been for you, losing your child. I'm sure you and Austin were just devastated."

I watched suspiciously as he paced in front of me. "You could have prevented it, you know. It's your fault that you lost that baby. If you hadn't left then this would've never happened. That baby would still be alive." My stomach clenched as I realized the truth of his words. It was my fault. All my fault.

"But it's too late now. The baby is gone. Let's now dwell on the past. I'm going to give you a choice," Marcus said, stopping his pacing and coming to stand in front of me. "If you marry and me and have my child then I might not kill you. But, if you refuse, then you die. And I'll bring Austin here to watch everything we do to you. And trust me, dear. It will be... very... painful," he said.

This can't be happening! Can I EVER be happy?! Every time it starts to look like I can actually be happy with Austin or that things will start getting better, in walks Marcus to ruin it all. I hate him with every fiber of my being! I know Austin probably wouldn't be happy with this, but there was no way in hell that I was going to have this man's child or marry him.

"I would rather die than marry you," I spat at him. His triumphant expression turned to rage at my words and I cowered back as his expression grew darker and darker. The guard was still holding me so I couldn't get away.

"Then die you will," Marcus hissed menacingly, whirling on the spot. He disappeared from view a few seconds later.

The guard's hands suddenly tightened around my arms and I was dragged over to the wall where was I chained up. I looked around the room to see it entirely vacant. Other than those corpuses. I waited, but nobody came. Hours passed it seemed before somebody finally entered the room. It was Marcus. I was shocked to see two guards walk in behind him carrying a very beaten up Austin.

"Austin!" I called to him, wanting to run and wrap my arms around his waist. I looked at his wounds in horror. How dare they do this to the man I loved! At the sound of my voice Austin's head raised to look at me. His eyes were swollen and he looked miserable. At the sight of me Austin snarled.

"Let her go, Marcus!" Austin roared, struggling against the guards.

"Marcus? What happened to father?"

"You are no father to me," Austin said in a deadly tone, glaring at Marcus with his fangs jutting out of his mouth.

Marcus glared back evilly at his son and then hissed at one of the guards, "Do it."

I watched in fear as the redheaded guard walked over to the different torture devises that seemed to all have come from the Middle Ages. And they probably did. Horror flashed through me as he grabbed a spiked flail (description: It has a wooden handle with a long chain attached. On the end of a chain is a sliver balls with several spikes covering it."

Holy crap! I thought those were used to break through armor. Why the hell would he choose to use that one on me?! The guard held up his weapon and looked at Marcus. He nodded his approval and the guard turned back to me, smirking.

"You've turned my son against me. Now you're going to pay!" Marcus sneered.

I braced myself as the guard raised the weapon to his side and the flicked it towards me. I screamed as the spiky ball hit me square in the chest. It stuck there and the guard yanked it down, ripping my torso open. I could barely hear Austin's agonized cry over my own. I couldn't believe they were doing this to me. What did I do to deserve this? What did I do to be born?!

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