you are going for surgery part 2

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A/n thanks a lot for those who commented on my previous imagines it meant a lot to me if you want to talk about anything anything in this world feel free to talk to me my kik is amiie_z im available 24/7 when ever you need me and please please , cherry on the top please comment ,vote and send requests im always open for anything

on the story ,


Your neck had been swelling for a couple of weeks after you fell down first you thought it was a minor swelling and would go down pretty quickly over a period of time but it didnt it kept on growing but you didnt pay much attention to it until today . you were sitting on the couch wih liam while you were watching toy story (again !) when he noticed your neck

"(Y/N) did you hurt your'e neck again " he asked wih his concernful voice

"na-ah " you replied while felling your'e neck which was swollen

"i think we should cosult a doctor bout thing baby "

"nah we dont need to it will go down on its own '

 "please ??" liam said giving you his abandoned puppy dog eyes which you could not resist 

"fine!" you said giving up 

you both went to the hospital together and had a talk with the receptionist who told you to wait in the waititng area for a coupl of minutes which we=hen wa over you were led to a room and the doctor said that there is risk of you hacing thyroid cancer . liam at that time was really freaked out but you were calm and listened to the doctor prescribing you to have a biopsy done which only confirmed you having cancer . you were instantly taken to a surgery to take the cancer out .

after the surgery liam was right there holding your han and in the other hand holding a small stuffed  turtle knowing how much you like turtles . 


" oh my god i am never going back there ' you exclamed as you came back from your'e visit to dunkin donuts where niall odered all of the donuts they ever had .

after going back home while you were cooking lunch your'e teeth started hurting really badly 

"OUCH!!!!" you cried ot while you were eating a cracker 

"are you fine ? what happened ? where does it hurt ?" he fired you with all the questions 

" my teeth ' you said holding your cheeck crying in pain 

niall spent no time in taking you to the local dentist and after the doctor checked you before you could say a word they drugged because niall knew very well if you were awake you would have never compelled to his request in taking your tooth and after it wa done you spent the rest of the week eating ice cream with niall.


you were having trouble breathing for quite a few day now and it was sure zayn came to know bout it too .

"babe c'mon get in the car we're going out !" he called out

you jumped and went with him to where he led you to and soon you realized you were going to the doctors 


"yeah babe "

"are we going to the hospital "

"umm yes " 

you had a big pout on you're face knowing what was to come but you didnt want him to be sad so you cooperated with the doctor and  went for your'e surgery where the needed to remove the blockage from you're nose and being the protective boyfriend he is didnt let you out side the house for a month and then took you to disney land for treat .

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