Chapter 9: Marcescent

Comincia dall'inizio

I was to become a member of this pack in a couple of days. Kaliko's party was in a few days too.

Maybe they'd accept me when they see that I am apart of them. Why did I suddenly feel like Kovu in the Lion King 2, and right when I showed up they'd sing "You are not one of us". Maybe I was being a little dramatic, but the point was I didn't belong; and they were definitely showing it.

I wasn't big on acceptance during any other part of my life. I didn't care enough to because I know I'd move on with life and never see those people again, and I was born into my pack so belonging wasn't really difficult. I just didn't like feeling like a stranger amongst my mate really.

Suddenly, there was a sickening crunch that was coming from inside the forest. It echoed off the trees, the resonation making me feel a phantom pain anywhere that had bone. Then a loud painful war howl escaped out of someones mouth and that scared the shit out of me. What was that?

The outside view was a bit of a downer with the color being a faded dim blue and the night seeming to come along fast because of the rain. Whatever was out there picked a creepy ass night to be creepy.

I heard the house door slam shut and I could hear Jordan's angry steps marching through the marsh that was our grass right now. I lifted myself higher in the tree to make sure I was out of his sight. Rain enhanced scents for wolves, the more moisture the clearer the smell, so I hid myself higher in the tree so he wouldn't see me. I was always in this tree so my scent would be all around it and I just hoped that he was angry enough to leave it be.

He stopped right next to his left nostril twitching as if smelling me out and his head whipped towards the tree and I held in my gasp, suddenly feeling like I was in a horror movie. He closed his eyes, clenched his fist and stomped towards the lining of trees and disappeared behind them.

He wasn't calling my name frantically and it didn't seem like a war of any sort. So I didn't run or anything.

I let out a breath and I sat down allowing myself to be soaked and shivering a bit. Although wolves did have more body heat within them, getting drenched in freezing rain water was going to make a temperature go down.

I was cold until I felt kind of numb, and even then I stayed. This was dumb as hell and I could've been watching television warm and comfortable right now, but I was outside sitting in rain like a stupid person. I was especially stupid, seeing as I just heard some weird stuff going on in that forest.

"What are you doing out here Flower?" I heard Max's voice break through the silence and my obnoxiously loud thoughts. I just gave him a sharp look and he knew immediately. Although it was getting sort of dark, I knew he could see me because our heightened eyesight. "And in the rain?"

Max joined me on one side of the branch sitting next to me. He wasn't too close, but close enough to where he could hear me. Although it wouldn't be much struggle because the woods were super quiet at this time-which I found eerie. What was that noise I heard earlier and why did it sound so close. He suddenly glanced in the opposite direction and got up grabbing my hand gently pulling me along towards that house.

"Was he always this much of a-" I struggled for an appropriate word. I knew how protective Max was over Jordan. I licked my cold lips the water rolling into my eyes causing me to squint.

"Introvert?" Max offered and I rolled my eyes at his soft word.

"I was going to say asshole, but I guess yours is fine." My sarcastic reply didn't go unnoticed because he glanced at me. He unlocked at opened the door, pushing me inside and closing it after us. I turned on all the lights and turned on the television before running into my room to change my soaking wet clothes.

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