1) Kakashi x Reader: Bells

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"You're going to have to try a lot harder if you want to get your hands on these bells," smiled your sensei. Even though Kakashi was wearing a mask, his smile always reached his expressive eyes- or eye in this case- he just had to cover up his right eye too. Sigh. What a mystery that guy was.

"It's not fair," you said stubbornly, "if this were my exam I'd have a squad and we could work as a team."

"...I suppose you're right, but it's not my fault you graduated much later than the others. Think of this as practice. You never know when you'll need to steal a set of keys from an enemy."

You walked out of the woods and into the clearing where Kakashi was happily standing and studying you with an amused expression on his face.

"And it's not my fault I'm from a different village," you grumbled to yourself.

Because of circumstances in your old village, certain people were not allowed to become shinobi, so one night you escaped and found yourself in the Hidden Leaf Village. You left everything behind to follow your dream. So unlike the other young ninja in your new home, you were significantly older- but still younger than Kakashi.

Kakashi's dark eyes lit up as he sighed and pulled out his favourite book- 'Makeout Paradise.'

"If you're just going to stand there not doing anything, I might as well kill some time," he chirped.

Now he was challenging you. It was time to show your sensei what you were made of.

You disappeared into the woods, aware that Kakashi-sensei could have made shadow clones. Why, the Kakashi you had just been talking to could even be one. You made sure there was no one in sight, before using your well practiced shadow clone jutsu. With a cloud of smoke, two more of "you" appeared on either of your sides. The one on your left looked identical to you, and the one on the right could barely stand- she was bleeding under her rib area and of blood was trickling down her forehead. As if that wasn't enough, a few shuriken stuck out of her body, making it evident that 'you' were "ambushed" or in an accident of some sort.

After briefly summarizing the plan to your clones, you stealthily jumped into the tree like a cat, leaving your injured clone on the ground and sending your other clone to fight Kakashi. You needed to see if he was a shadow clone or not.

Your other clone jumped into a different tree, near Kakashi. He didn't look up from his book, so the assumption was that he didn't hear you.

In an instant, your clone mustered all of her force and used her legs to propel herself out of the tree, charging at Kakashi.

The clone's fist was aimed at his jaw, but in one sweep, Kakashi reached out, fiercely gripped your extended arm, and effortlessly hurled you across the plain, his book still in his other hand. Your clone skidded across the ground with several painful looking thuds, and finally, jutting against a tree, the clone disappeared with a *poof* of grey smoke.

Kakashi chuckled to himself softly.

"Shadow clones, mm? Well, you're lucky it wasn't you, that would have been painful. Remember y/n, shinobi must be aware of deception."

His arrogance made anger wake inside you. You desperately wanted to prove him wrong- to show him that you could and would become a shinobi. After all, nobody in your last village believed you. And if you couldn't steal a few stupid bells, how could you ever expect to become a ninja?

You decided that it was time for phase two of your plan. Your injured clone was still on the ground, and once you gave it the nod of approval, it began to crawl out of the bushes towards Kakashi.

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