
"Come now, it will be fine. I'm actually supposed to be picking it up soon." Xavier glanced at his watch. "It should be done by time we're finished here."

"I look forward to seeing you in a tux,"

"Don't get too excited."

There was something about Xavier. When he wasn't bossing me around he was easy to talk to, funny, smart, and he could be charming when he wanted to. He was easy to laugh around when he wasn't doing business. It was like night and day when he was doing business. I was wondering if business was just his mask.

"Well, we have much to do today," Xavier paid the bill and we went to pick up his tux and then we went back home and he was laughing at my dismal attempts to learn waltzing from him. "Let's try this again," Xavier sighed as he picked himself up off the floor and offered me a hand. I was still laughing too hard to get stand.

"How did we manage to do that?"

"You are very talented, obviously," Xavier laughed with me.

"Maybe, you're just a crappy teacher,"

"I think this is a case of operator error,"

"Whatever, let's try it again, hopefully neither of us end up with broken legs."

Xavier helped me to my feet. "And one, two, three, one, two, three, one two three,"

"You're rushing the beats,"

"And you're so much better?"

"I'm a musician, I have to be," I laughed.

"Just follow my lead,"

"We've tried that,"

I heard a laughing and looked to see Gwen laughing at us. "Wow, you really suck at that,"

"Thanks, Gwen," I rolled my eyes. "I take it you're so much better?

Gwen nodded. "I really am, you're thinking too much. Watch this," Gwen cut in and gave Xavier a curtsy. "May I?" I watched as Xavier and Gwen waltzed around the room. "See, it's not so hard, but then again, maybe it's not all you," Gwen's hand cupped her chin and she looked pensive for a moment. "I've got it!" Gwen grabbed my hand and dragged me out down to the stables. "BEN!" Ben was dealing with a frantic stallion. Great, Gwen had spooked the horses.

"Whoa! Easy there!" Ben soothed as he got the horse to stop rearing. "Easy there, easy there. Gwen," Ben turned to Gwen. "How many times have I told you not to come running in here or yell in here! People can get hurt,"

Gwen's face fell. "Sorry, Ben. I just really needed your help."

Ben sighed and shook his head. "Just be careful. What did you need? Hello Lady Juliet," Ben bowed to me.

"Hey Ben, what's up?"

"You're the ones who came charging into the stables, you tell me."

"Ben, remember when I was little and you taught me how to waltz?"

"Yes . . ."

"Teach Juliet!"


"There's some charity ball tomorrow and Juliet's got rhythm, but Xavier's a crappy teacher."

"What is the meaning of this?" Xavier panted as he raced into the stables, startling the horses all over again.

"Ben is a great teacher, he'll show Juliet what you can't."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Xavier asked as his eyes narrowed.

"Let me get these horses calmed down, and I'll meet you outside. Go on, you lot, out now." Ben ordered.

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