Chapter 29:

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Before we went into the Office room, I glanced out at Alleeah and Jay outside, finding they were distracted with holding off some weak looking half vamps and doing a good job of it then we moved on. We didn't have the time to stop now, we had a job to do on the inside if the lab.

The door labeled- Offices looked so unthreatening just by the word we mistakenly walked right in, comfortabley.

Once inside, the door behind us swung shut and the large T.V. flashed on. Wincing slightly, I gazed at the hideous creature.

'What is it?' I questioned.

Cayden's answer held the truth I already knew. 'Superhuman XX modified a bit'.

"Hello," the beast on the T.V. grumbled with rough english, "I am.. Brad Cooper."

I was sure mine and Cayden's jaws were dropped because our thoughts were the same.

'That THING is Brad Cooper?!'

Neither of us were prepared for an actual human being, plus one as clever as Cooper, to do the experiment on himself.

The beast chuckled and smiled, revealing rows of teeth. "I say you're both shocked. Why would a human do such a thing to himself you ask? Because I never wanted to be human anyways."

"You're sick!" I spat.

He narrowed his eyes at me and rumbled, "You've only just begun to see how sick I am. It gets so much worse." He smiled once again and the T.V. flashed off.

Cayden and I were left to examine the room, still locked in. None of us moved vampyres and lion alike.

I gazed around and just started to relax when the shattering of glass and an ear-splitting snarl rose through the air. My immortal instincts kicked in and I instantly knew where the creature was- off to my left, further down. Cayden was one step ahead of me though as he ripped out his blade and reached the mutated vampyre and drove the blade into his stomach.

The vampyre staggered but threw Cayden aside just like a doll. I watched him hit the wall with a horrible snap. I screamed as tears pooled over and tore my long sword out of it's sheath. I ran forward with Ragginao and let the great cat pin the massive vamp down.

I heard the lion roar as he wrestled with the vampyre. The vamp was just getting ready to throw Ragginao when I slid in between Ragginao and the transformed vamp's arms and shoved the blade all the way to it's hilt into the vampyre's chest.

He roared in pain and squeezed Ragginao tightly, but before he could rupture or break his bones, I backflipped off the vamp's chest, pushing him into a wall while shoving Ragginao out of his ginormous claws. Both me and the large cat hit the ground and skidded on our sides to a halt- fur torn on one and leather armor torn and skin scraping open on me.

I let out a sharp gasp as the skin burned furiously like the blood that was flowing effortlessly out. I glanced at Ragginao - his state less dramatic then mine- and flashed over to Cayden.

I found him as he lay in a horrid, clump of broken bones. Blood was seeping and he tried fervently to focus his eyes on me, past the bloodied tears of pain.

"Cayden!" I sobbed and slit open my neck shoving his mouth to it.

I urged him to suck the blood that would somehow heal him. I prayed it wasn't hopeless as I felt him sucking the blood up.

He shoved me away at one point, feeling my pulse slow, close to nothing, and moved an inch or so. I watched through watery eyes and heard the sound of my slow pulse quickening with new blood.

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