Chapter 27:

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As the cool rain pounded against my armored pants and shirt I thought about what we had to do...tonight, going over the plan.

We were all essential to this plan, but that didn't mean something couldn't go wrong. It was very evident someone, or all of us could slip up tonight. The world would be extinct of all man kind if I-we- failed tonight. The plan itself we were all aware of and it seemed so much easier said then done.

Now just standing here- feet away from the factory- fear bubbled inside me for the people and beast contributing to this war- Cayden, Jay, Alleeah, and Ragginao; they were all basically family now.

Worst part was we were heading in to face THOUSANDS and I could only fathom what would happen to my small, comfortable family of just mere days, as we raced across the asphalt road and into the shadows of the laboratory's walls.

Once upon a time I would've found comfort in the shadows and night, but now- as we readied ourselves to face an enemy so much larger then us- I feared the dark. And for a vampyre...that's very, very bad.

I glanced over at my love, the man who had made it all this way to love me, to be a vampyre, and to want to fight this battle- Cayden. His eyes glowed a bright, icy blue and his mouth was set in a line of determination. I knew he wouldn't go down without a fight. I flicked my eyes over to Alleeah. She was so human, my cousin, so weak but her spirit burned with intense courage. She smiled at me ready to help and all armored; all of our past events falling away in this fight. She'd learned so, so much within hours and days. She was as ready as she'd ever be and it still made her no less human. I glanced an inch over to see Jay, the vamp who had been apart of Cooper's sick experiments. His job was to protect Alleeah. He looked back at me and nodded.

It was time to end all of Cooper's hideous plans.

I looked down at Ragginao- his fur was bristling with his black war stripes and he glanced up, blue eyes blazing and gazed back to the iron gates. The only thing separating us from the lab and the lab separating from us.

They knew we were here.

Cameras didn't lie but they did. Cooper did.

This was war.

Nobody would give in until the enemy was dead and nobody would necessarily play fair.


Ragginao padded towards the iron gates raising a massive, thick paw; claws ready and sliced through the thick chains keeping us out from the lab. The gate swung open due to the breeze and both Cayden and I slid inside.

I turned and spoke softly to Alleeah and Jay. "Stay out here. Catch anyone who we miss and kill them on sight. Make sure no one gets in and no one gets out. And if we don't return, don't linger- run. Just run."

Alleeah's eyes pricked with fresh tears, but she quickly rubbed them away and nodded, pressing into Jay. Over the past couple of days their relationship was strong and sturdy.

Jealousy coursed through me briefly from memories, but I shook it off and rested my eyes on Jay for a second.

"Take care of her. Please," I pleaded, eyes wide. I'd never forgive myself if Alleeah died in the process of this.

"Always. I promise." His eyes were somber and reserved with the seriousness of our task.

I gave Jay and Alleeah both in turn a small smile and turned to Cayden.

His eyes blazed and he reached for my hand. Hand in hand with Ragginao padding before us we set forward into the dark lab.


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