Chapter 18:

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Two hours later and I had both my lovers packed and in the car AND we were already on the highway nearing the states.

"Where are we headed?" Alleeah's soft voice asked curiously.

Ah... That was a good question however I finally had an answer.

"Arizona," I replied, focusing intently on driving.

"Where and why?" Cayden asked, confusion in his tone.

"Where? Phoenix. Why? Bigger city than the one we were in meaning it's harder to find us. Plus I believe Cooper's hiding in the states somewhere. It'll bring us closer to him. Whether that's a good or bad thing we'll find out," I explained, my grip tightening on the wheel.

I was nervous. Nervous about if one of my loved ones taken. Nervous about Cooper sending more people and most important nervous about what I'd have to do within a matter of months, if not sooner. Not to mention I had to change Alleeah because the time- NEED- had arose. I would need her strength to keep Cayden safe and well I just couldn't keep babysitting the both of them. I knew it would be risky changing her and having her carry my blood, but it was more of a risk each time I had to go save one and leave the other, hoping they hadn't been taken while I was rescuing one and if they had, start the damn process all over again.

Alleeah would be more than capable of keeping my blood and herself safe if changed, but would my blood take to her? Or reject and kill her? I thought it would considering the gash on her face had healed perfectly by my blood.

Those were my thoughts that viciously circled my mind, never giving me a moments rest. I drove rapidly through the day, stopping only so we could eat or stretch our legs or OTHER necessities until finally night descended forcing me to drive off a close exit and check into yet, ANOTHER motel.

No one had spoken much after I had said where our next destination was. We all didn't care, we just wanted things to be done and over with. For humanity to finally be safe. Damn me and my pure blood...

I sighed as I grabbed our bags. I had already checked in, but I had to grab the bags. I wasn't going to take the risk of letting Cayden or Alleeah run back out in the dark night to fumble around and try to find them.

I stood up, bags in hand and went to turn around, but ended up thudding straight into something hard. I had to rely on my super fast reflexes to not drop the suitcases.

"Here...let me," purred a voice. It was rich, foreign, sounded very Italian and way too elegant to be of this century.

"No, that's okay. I've got-"

I broke off as I seen who the figure was.

"Jacque? Is that you?!" I squeaked.

He chuckled and said, "Indeed it is. I've been searching for you, for days. Your parents wanted me to tell you that they're fine, but something has to be done and soon."

I nodded and allowed him to take a couple suitcases from me.

"I know. I'm so close to ending this all. It shouldn't be too long now," I said softly as we strolled through the motel lobby.

"I have no doubt in that, young one. Your parents also sent me to inform you that they'll be sending you something shortly.. Well once I find out where your staying in Phoenix. Then I will be delivering it," Jacque winked.

I smiled, shaking my head. Even when I had been just a little vamp Jacque had magnificent ways of tracking and hearing, I didn't need to question my parents' long time friend.

" share two lovers?" Jacque inquired, giving me a sideways glance.

I lost my smile. "Yes. One is my soul mate. The other I feel greatly for and I can't bare without her."

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