Chapter 9:

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I pulled up to the Studio in time to see a very-well muscled construction worker walking my way. His shirt had his name embroidered on it or rather his last name; it read Lareck.

"Ms. Rayna?"

I nodded with a smile; I had given him a fake name like I do with most of the humans I meet.

"Nice to meet you. We've completed the re-construction of the interior and tomorrow we'll work on the plumbing, sound proof walls and well just everything that is needed inside," he grinned.

I didn't return the smile, this time I was looking at the exterior of the building- it was cleaner, sharper, better and the interior had been torn down- the walls white. I nodded appreciatively towards the construction worker and turned to get back in my car, but his hand flashed out and stopped me.

I turned slowly, my eyes starting to feel a bit heated, "Yes?"

"Would you like to see the inside?" He winked.


"Why would I want to see the inside if you have yet to complete it?" I asked, sarcasm coloring my tone.

"Well...uh.. You know. I figured you need the royal treatment," he grinned, cheeky.

I stared, cold as stone and answered, my voice emotionless.

"Mr. Lareck. I pay you to do my work and I pay you well. Do your work and stop begging for something more than the ridiculous amount of money I pay you."

I got in the car then and drove away from a stunned man, who apparently had never been turned down. I may not have turned him down, but I had already fed and the tingles from Cayden's touch still lingered, so I wasn't in the mood for pleasure or blood. Instead, I headed home and decided on calling Cane, my agent.


Dialing my PI's number, I sat at the little island in my kitchen, it was about seven-thirty at night, now.

It rung once and soon Cane was on the other line.

"Hello, Sery?" came his solid and smooth voice.

"Yes, Cane have you found anything else out about Jaymie Rink or his boss Brad Cooper?" I asked, needing more info.

"Yes. It turns out Brad Cooper is trying to get your blood to create race," Cane stuttered.

Cane recovered his voice. "Jaymie was only there to get your blood, now that he's failed I think Brad will send another or more."

I grimaced to myself and said "Alright thanks, you should get your pay Friday."

I hung up and glanced at the calendar on the fridge- Thursday. Walking through the halls, I started to feel panicky.

What if Cooper already had vampyre blood and that's how he made Jaymie? I shook my head trying to stay calm. No Jaymie was probably just hired to track me and grab my blood; Cooper probably paid him a hefty wage.

I thought harder, inhuman race? Probably half vampyre and half human.. If not I couldn't be sure, Cane didn't know. He just knew the plans were to make something new, different; wiping out humans.

I shuddered and knew I'd have to grab Cayden soon.. People- vampyres- were probably watching me, they'd see me with Cayden and he'd become a target. If he wasn't one already. My thoughts a panicked mass, I turned to sleep...until the next day arose, the day I'd try to run into Cayden again and get to know him a bit more then come Saturday he'd for sure be mine. If not bad things would happen....very bad.

Tomorrow would be better. The Studio would be nearly completed and I'd make sure I would run into Cayden again.

Until then I'd sleep.

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