Chapter 22:

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As we flitted through the darkness I could feel more vampyres following us.

'I don't think Cooper's ever going to give in...not tonight,' I thought to Cayden.


'Because...there's more vamps following us already,' I growled mentally.

'Jesus many vamps does he have at his disposal?' Cayden thought, worried.

'I'm sure quite a few,' my thoughts traveled back to him.

He was silent and so was I until we got half way to Alleeah's.

'How are we going to get Alleeah with them following us?' Cayden asked, curiosity and worry surrounding his thoughts.

"Easily," I voiced and chuckled as I stopped dead in my tracks noticing the faint footfalls I'd heard earlier quiet too.

We were nearly there in an alley that lead out to the hotel Alleeah stayed at.

"What are you doing?" Cayden growled, but hung back.

He was new and unsure of what I had up my sleeve because I had blocked our telepathy for this exact purpose. However, even though Cayden was new to this it didn't mean he wouldn't protect me... He just had.

I ignored what Cayden asked me and focused my attention on the slight movements of the half vamps. I could hear where they shifted in the shadows, just waiting for me to move again.

I shifted my weight so I was facing one that was rather close, noticing how he continued on his way towards me.. God they haven't been turned long, either that or they simply hadn't taught themselves how to be better hunters.

I gently slipped the knife into my hands and tensed my wrist back, immediately I let the knife fly and heard it thunk into a solid mass. It couldn't have been the wall because the alley was filled with brick houses, it would've bounced off or broke.

I then heard the sharp intake of breath and all too soon heard Cayden hit the ground with a thud... I had forgotten to keep my attention spilt..

The cool sharpness of a blade pressed against my neck, drawing droplets of my blood.. Shit.

"Now then, you haven't been very good at keep your," chuckled a dark voice as he squeezed the blade into my neck further and his other hand roamed down my body.

"Like hell," I spit through my clenched teeth. I was ready to rip out this bastard's throat.

I heard Cayden release a hiss, but the vamp holding me switched the blade to his other hand -careful not to allow me room to escape- and whipped out something that sizzled... Electricity?

A flash of blue could be seen from behind, illuminating us briefly..

Oh shit.. A taser. Heavy duty at that due to the amount of blue light.. Enough to handle vamps.

"Well, now then that took care of him," the vamp said darkly, a smile in his voice.

I heard the dragging of feet and seen the other vamp stagger into view. I had sunk the blade into his thigh.

"Ah! Johnny!" yelled the vamp containing me. "I've got her! You can mess her up a bit.. I'm sure she won't bite," he chuckled.

The vamp named Johnny eyed me with an evil grin as he tore out my blade from his thigh.

"I wouldn't mind that," Johnny winked at me and continued forward, blood oozing out of his wound.

"Johnny, do you know what it feels like to die?" I asked calmly with the blade still pressed to my throat.

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