Chapter 28:

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We swung the door open, not knowing what horrors lay inside to greet our unwelcome selves.

As soon as the door swung open Cayden and I were treated to the welcoming of ten mutant vampyres, all of them appeared to have the same features as the zombie dogs.

I realized that these vampyres were failures, somehow still alive. Perhaps he had tried to find some use of them and mixed the zombie animals blood with them, but it didn't have a desired effect. Instead it back fired and caused the vampyres to rot and decay faster then ever. Their brain usage limited and failed instantly... They became an army of undead, it looked like. I realized, these, were the zombies Jay talked about.

Apparently Cooper had given the undead zombie vampyres the task of guarding the Testing Chambers. I gasped at the sight and Cayden squeezed my shoulder gently, urging me to continue. I nodded and pulled out my hand gun, steadying it.

I aimed and fired, watching two zombified vamps fall to the ground like sacks of water. Two other vampyres advanced more quickly, but Cayden handled them with his knives- ramming them into their brains.

Soon six undead vampyres were left, but they had managed to form a loose circle around me. I quickly checked my ammo and shot down two more-spraying blood and tissue on myself-before reloading. Then I had just gotten my gun into position when I felt something slash into my thigh, I glanced around and saw an ugly son-of-a-bitch behind me, his claws deep in my leg. I cocked my gun and blew his head away.

I turned and came face to face with another one which wasn't so stupid. This one was a female who knocked my gun away and began mauling at my face causing it to pour blood from the faint, but many scratches on my face.

"You fucking bitch, get off of her," Cayden growled and easily pulled the girls head off with a couple of twists.

I gave Cayden a smile and saw that he had taken care of the rest, their heads removed just liked the last zombified vamp. He nodded and we turned, finally able to access the chamber.

We walked into the Testing Chambers and right into the heart of gore central. The floor and walls splattered with blood and brains. Tissue just seemed to grow out of the walls and floor and in some areas the blood could be ankle deep.

I glanced around and found nothing else a threat. I relaxed slightly, holstering the hand gun I'd gotten back.

The Testing Chambers room was merely numerous glass rooms with machines and torture mechanisms. The machines had spikes coated in wires to be shoved into ones brain and transfer over whatever data. Another used purely to rip someone to shreds, painfully. Whatever the machine, they all had stains of blood on them.

The machines also all appeared to be used as ways to see how much a vampyre could endure and to see if our memories could be erased except for one chamber that held numerous test tubes.

This chamber appeared to be all the ingredients used to create the Superhuman XX which mean it also needed to be destroyed just like the files.

'Cayden, do you know what those test tubes contain?' I asked just to make sure.

'Yes, it appears that they contain all the ingredients for the Superhuman and mutant vamps Cooper's made.' He looked at me gravely.

"We have to go in, don't we?" He whispered, closing the distance between us.

"No, just me," I said, hugging him. "I'll make it quick." I slipped away before he could grab me back into his safe, strong arms.

'Sery...don't get hurt in there,' Cayden's thought whirled into my head as I opened the door and slunk inside.

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