"It's nothing, really." He cocks an eyebrow. "Really, Hastings. I'm fine. If anything, I'm really excited." I slide my arms over his.

"I don't believe you." I'm not sure if he's kidding anymore.

"Well, you should." You really shouldn't.

"You've lied to me before," he says, a smirk visible on his lips. He is right.

"That's different though."

"I just don't want you running off again. My flat feet can't take any more of it. And I nearly had an asthma attack when I got back to my house earlier."

"You have asthma too?"

"I know, I know, I'm sick."

I laugh. "Awe, poor Oliver. He has flat feet and asthma." I pull my hand out of Molly's embrace and reach for his face. I turn my head so I can peck him on the cheek. "Poor, poor, sick Oliver," I tease. I peck him again. "Feel better?"


I pretend to be insulted. "What?" I roll my eyes.

He cranes his neck forward and presses his lips to mine for a moment. "Now, I'm better." I roll my eyes again. We look to our friends around us. They all look at us like we're cute little pets and coo like we're cute little pets. It's discomforting. We look at each other and simultaneously break apart, but he grabs my hand so we're still in contact.

Eventually, the remaining ten of us are all seated at a table. It's Tina, Camille in Peter's lap, Harry the owner, Molly in Jimmy's lap, Teddy, Jane, and Oliver and I sharing a seat. For a while, we just chat about anything. I know we should leave to go home by now, but I don't want to leave Oliver's side. Ever, ever again. The whole time, Oliver and I are constantly touching. If he's not holding my hand, his arm is around me. If he's not talking to the others, he's whispering something amazingly sweet in my ear, making me blush and the conversation stops so they all stare at us. When Molly nods off, she's transferred to Jane's lap, and suddenly, I'm sleepy too. My head lulls onto Oliver's shoulder multiple times, my eyes drooping shut for seconds then minutes. Visions of dreams swirl in my head. I finally give in.

"Mrs. Hastings."

She steps farther in, and drops her gaze to the ground. "I just came here to tell you that Mr. Hastings is running a bit late. Do you still want to eat dinner at seven, or do you want to wait until returns he from his business meeting?"

"Oliver!" I throw myself against him, hooking my arms around his neck, and kiss him hard on the lips. I see his arms out in the air.

He grabs my shoulders and pushes me away, "Annabelle, control yourself!" he snaps.

I look away sheepishly, "I don't think I can."

He brushes himself off, and clears his throat. "Is dinner ready yet?"

"Yes, it was done some time ago."

"Good, I need to eat in my study."

I stomp my foot, "I can handle being by myself for a little while! But I'm always alone! Except for when Roxy isn't sleeping! You're never home! You never speak to me! I feel like I'm all on my own again, except I'm stuck here with nothing to do because you insist I don't work! Don't you dare call me a child! I am not a child! I haven't been a child since my mother passed away! I just want to feel like I'm married to the man I met four years ago! What ever happened to him! He's gone!"

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