Chapter 19

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At School


"I really hope this doesn't change your viewpoint on me. I still want to be with you Jason." I looked at him.

"Look Nicole, I don't think I can be with a person who can keep things from me. I want to be with you as well, but you could've came to me about anything. And that's what I'm really hurt about." Jason took his history book out his locker.

"So what does this mean for us?" I folded my arms, scared to hear the answer.

"It means we're done. I can't deal with secrets. If you were hiding something that big from me, then I don't know what else you could've been hiding. It's over." He shut his locker, looked at me, and then walked away.

I just stood there, thinking about what just happened. Miracle walked past me, but stopped as soon as she saw me standing alone.

"Hey Nicole, you okay?" She asked.

"Jason and I just broke up." I stated.

"Oh honey, are you alright?" She touched my shoulder.

"I will be. I kinda knew this was going to happen though." I found myself wiping a tear from my eye.

She took me in for a hug and that's when I broke down. I knew it would hurt because I really loved this boy, but I didn't think it would hurt this bad.

"It's going to be okay." Miracle whispered.

I stopped hugging her and wiped my eyes.

"Thanks, I needed that." I smiled.

"No problem...So y'all broke up over that situation?" She questioned.

"Yeah. I should've told him though." I said as we started walking to class.

"It's okay sweetie, things happen. I'm sure he'll come around." She smiled and I just simply nodded.

"Aye Miracle!" We both turned around to see Jayvion running towards us.

"Hey best friend." She smiled.

"Hey best friend, Hey Nicole." He waved at me.

"Hey!" I hugged him.

"So where are you two ladies headed?" He asked.

"To class, where yo big headed ass needs to be." Miracle stated and I laughed.

"I'll get there eventually. I'll see y'all later. Love you best friend." Jayvion hugged Miracle and me and walked off.

"So what's up with you and Jay?" I asked.

"Nothing, we just homies."

"Uh huh." I smirked.

"I'm serious. I don't understand why people think it's something going on between us. Jayla almost got her head knocked off for that shit." Miracle sneered.

"Damn! What happened between y'all? She just getting on everybody bad side huh?" I laughed.

"Basically. But I was chilling with Jay and stuff and she sent me this message about how she ain't want me to be around him and that I was betraying her and I know how she feels about him. So I kindly sent her a picture with me laying on his chest like you had yo chance to be in my spot. You being hella childish and shit, and if you keep on disrespecting me, ima have to put my hands on you. She really trying me. You know she cheated on Tre with Marcus?" Miracle was heated.

"Yeah, and she doing that shit to you? She being highly disrespectful." I shook my head in disbelief.

"Exactly, and it's not like I would be all up on him if they were together, but he not even thinking bout home girl. So why should I stop hanging with my best friend because she still got feelings for him? Hell no." We entered the classroom and took our seats.

"That's crazy." I whispered.

I wonder what was going on with Jayla lately. She needs to get back on track with her life.


I watched her as she walked into classroom, as beautiful as ever. I knew she could feel me staring at her and that's when she turned around.

"Hey Noah." Miracle smiled.

"Hi." I smiled back.

She turned back around and whispered something to Nicole, making her laugh.

Class soon started and I caught myself looking at her again.

"Mr. Avery, can you tell me the reason why we used x squared as the form of one?" Mr. Yin asked me.

I looked at the board to inspect it and then I gave him my answer.

"Because at the top it's just x and at the bottom it's x squared and it wouldn't be enough to just multiply by x because it wouldn't cancel out the x squared on the bottom so therefore we have to multiply by x squared to get rid of them both." I explained.

"Very good. Did everyone get that?" Mr. Yin questioned the class.

There were a few yeses and a couple of head nods and he proceeded to do the problem. After the warm-up, he gave us instructions and we started to do group work. Nicole and Miracle turned around to work with me.

"Why were you staring at me this morning?" Miracle asked me.

"I was admiring your outfit." I said honestly.

"Thank you." She smiled.

Just then, Jayla walked into the classroom, giving Mr. Yin her tardy slip. She pulled up a desk beside me and pulled out her binder.

"So what are we doing?" She asked.

"Work." Nicole stated.

"Why you got an attitude Nicole?" Jayla asked.

"I don't have one, but I can get one." Nicole stated.

"No need for the hostility. Hey Noah."

I simply waved to her and continued to do my work. I didn't mean to give her the cold shoulder, but she's acting really grimy. Maybe it's that new boy she's hanging with.

We just all sat there in a silence, where the tension was so thick, you could probably cut it with a knife. 45 minutes later, the bell rung for us to leave to go to our next class.

Nicole, Miracle, and I said our goodbyes as we just left Jayla to walk alone. She brought this upon herself. It's not our fault.

"I'll see you later Noah." Nicole stated.

"Aight bye. Bye ba-Miracle." I caught myself.

"Bye Noah." I started walking to my second period, mad at myself. I almost called Miracle bae and she probably would've gotten mad.

I did a stupid thing.

-Sorry it took soo long for me to update, but y'all know how school is.

-Hope y'all enjoyed.

-Please vote and comment.

-Stay safe in these streets.

-Peace, love, and chicken grease.

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