Chappie 11: Cameron's Date With Harry

Start from the beginning

I could've sworn that I heard water splashing, but maybe I imagined it. Then Harry picked me up bridal style out of nowhere. I started squealing, and giggling. "Did you just squeal?" I blushed and nodded my head. He took my blindfold off, and I saw that he was smiling really big. His smile was so big I just noticed that he had dimples, now that is attractive.

"Well, that's completely adorable love." I blushed again and looked down to see sand. Oh my gosh! We're on the beach! I didn't even know we walked that far. This beach is a good twenty minutes from our dorms." Harry! This is so beautiful!" He smiled again, and laid out the picnic blanket. I plopped onto the blanket and looked out to the ocean, the sun was setting, and it looked beautiful. "It's beautiful Harry." He turned and looked at me "Not as beautiful as you."

I blushed and looked down. Harry then pulled me close to him, and tilted my chin up with his thumb. "Don't look down, I want to see your beautiful face." I smiled a bit and turned around to face him. He did the same. "Cameron, I want to try something before I go crazy." Then he started to lean in. I leaned in along with him, and we both closed our eyes. Just then our lips touched, and I felt fireworks, atomic bombs, all those things that you're supposed to feel.

His tongue swiped my bottom lip begging for enterance, but I decided to tease him and left the kiss right away. He pouted, but then smiled really big. "Wow, that was.... wow." He said, I smiled. "Well, I try hard." I giggled after saying that then said, "I'm guessing you felt them too."

He smirked and nodded his head. Then he pulled out PBJ sandwiches out of the basketm and pulled out a bag of Doritos too. I smiled big, and said, "Well, isn't this fancy." Harry frowned a bit. I giggled. "Aww don't worry HazzaBear this is my favorite food!" He smiled again, and said, "Well good, I thought I was gonna have to convince you that this is good food." I smiled and shook my head.

After we were done eating I looked at the ocean again. "Man, I'm tempted to go swimming, but I have nothing to swim in." Harry smirked, and said, "Well, we could always go skinny dipping. If you're up for it, after all there is the saying. Never go skinny dipping alone." I gasped, and looked at him. "Really Harry, really?" He nodded his head and laughed. I sighed, and looked at the time. "It's seven thirty, and it would take twenty minutes to get back. We need to be back by eight, so I guess we could swim for five minutes."

Harry clapped his hands and jumped out of his chair, and started stripping. "Woah there tiger! This is the first date, I don't needa see that yet." He turned red as if he forgot. I got undressed and ran in the water in a hurry, hoping that Harry didn't see anything. "Hey Cam!" I turned around in the water to find him right behind me. "Yeah HazzaBear?" He smirked and said, "You have a cute butt." I gasped and slapped the back of his head. He smirked and laughed. I got out of the water and threw my clothes on behind a tree this time, and good thing he brought towels.

I turned around at the worst time possible. Yeah, you can guess what I saw... Harry Jr.... awkward. I turned right back around, and no doubt about it I had a red face. Right as I was about to turn around I felt him hug me from behind and kiss my cheek. I giggled at his cheesy way, and kissed his cheek. "Alright lover boy, time for us to get home." He smirked. "What are you smirking about?" He snickered a little, and said, "Oh, nothing, nothing at all, just the fact that I know you turned around too early."  

I sighed and facepalmed myself. I took my flats off and started running to my dorm. "Last one to the dorm has to do whatever the other one wants!" Harry started running too, and we were neck and neck, just then he realized he didn't have a key, but I knew it was unlocked so I just ran in. "Ha! In your face! I won!!" He laughed, and neither one of us were out of breath, I'm guessing that we're both surprisingly athletic. "Alright, alright, what do you want?" I smiled.

"Okay, we're going to watch a movie until everybody gets back, and you're going to let me sit on your lap. Oh, and you will get me a bag of Ruffles, some apple juice, and some popcorn. Just because I'm too lazy." He sighed.

"What movie are we going to watch love, and what kind of popcorn." I smiled really big. "We're going to watch Titanic, and caramel popcorn pleaseee." He smiled really big too. "I love that movie, and I love caramel popcorn too."

I clapped my hands together. "Oh good, so you go get the popcorn, chips, and the apple juice too, while I put the movie in." He got the chips, popcorn, and a whole bottle of apple juice. Good, because I would need it. I grabbed a box of tissues, sat on Harry's lap, and started the movie.

2 hours later (over halfway through the movie)

Nialler and Vi are here now, and just on time too. They came and sat on the couch with us, and now we would await Bri and LiLi's arrival. 

2 more hours and 5 minutes later (movie is over)

We were all in tears, and wiping our tears away with the tissues. Popcorn was all over the floor, the chips were crushed and everywhere, and half the apple juice was spilled on the floor. Man did we have a mess to clean. Just then LiLi and Bri came in looking flustered, most likely because they were late. Oh well, we won't care much........ maybe. They were very wet too, I wonder what they did.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ End of Flashback ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Violet's POV

"And that's how my date went" Cameron ended. Brianna and my faces were awestruck. That date sounded beautiful. Then out of nowhere Bri started giggling uncontrollably. I looked at her with one eyebrow raised. "You, caught, my, brother, changing!" Then she busted out laughing again. I giggled a bit too, and Cam blushed a deep shade of red. "Yeah, but it was an accident! Now, miss Bri, or should I say future Mrs. Payne, you have a date to explain to us too." Bri blushed a deep deep shade of red, oh boy, this oughta be good. "Well, it went like this-"


A/N: Next chapter is obviously going to be Brianna and Liam's date. By the way, Brianna and Cameron are actually based on people I know. My best friends, and Violet's kind of based off of me in some ways, but in others not so much. So, yeah. Alright, I'll update soon.

Stay Lovely my Nandos-Turtlecorns


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