I logged on to my twitter and got annoyed the minute I saw the trending topic. #LoyalXChrisBrown #RihannaAin'tLoyal. I logged out. There were more hash tags. They were all about that song Katy said Chris was writing about me. The song was released 2 months ago and it's a 'HIT'. There are more paparazzi around now. Chris' song really did make people to see me as a hoe. Oh...I also heard that he's arrested. Serves him right. Dickhead.

I sighed, got up and made my way out of the dressing room. I saw Mel and Katy in the booth and I made my way to them.
"Hey y'all." I said hugging them both. They said their hallo's
"Robs I meant to ask you about Aubrey's friend." Katy said clearing her throat.
"Aubs got many friends Katy. Be specific." I said.
"The one who's always here. The dark one." She described.
"Chubbs?" I raised an eyebrow and her face lit up.
"Yeah! That one." She grinned and I quickly got the hint.
"You like him?" I giggled looking at Mel then turned to look at Katy.
"Yes, he's cute." she sorta blushed. I turned my attention back at Mel who obviously looked pissed.
"She will kill you." I said pointing at Mel."That's Mel's crush." I laughed as Katy looked confused.
"What? No! He ain't my crush." Mel defended herself as she gave me a stank stare.
"Yes he is. I see the way you look at him when he ain't looking." I teased but I wasn't lying. Mel really did have a crush on the nigga. He blind for not noticing it.
"Wait, wait, wait. Back the Fuck up. Let me get this straight. So...Mel has a crush on someone that I like?" Katy asked and I nodded.
"Robyn shut up. I don't have a crush on him." Mel defended, crossing her arms over her chest.
"No, you shut up. You forget that I know you. You have a crush on that nigga and stop denying it." I glared and she rolled her eyes.
"Katy, y'all have a crush on that nigga." I added.

"No. I didn't say I had a crush. I said I liked him. Nothing more. As far as I'm concerned, Mel can have her man." Katy stated then smiled at Mel.
"He ain't my man." Mel mumbled.
"Not yet." I grinned.
"Key word= Yet." Katy chimed in and we both laughed.
"Can y'all stop." Mel huffed.
"We will, but first you gotta admit that you have a crush on him." I wiggled my eyebrows at her and she giggle.
"I ain't admitting Shit to y'all." Mel hid her face in her hands. See? I know what I'm talking about. She's blushing now.
"C'mon Melly." Me and Katy said at the same time. I removed Mel's hands from her face. Her face was red.
"So?" I grinned.
"Okay okay. I do have a crush on him." Mel rolled her eyes.
"I knew it." I clapped my hands excitedly.
"Shut up." Mel slightly pushed me, and I giggled.

"OMG!!! Robyn that's our song. Let's go and show those bitches how to twerk." Mel took my head and led me to the dance floor along with Katy. We left Aubrey and his crew on the VIP section. I swear when we walked through the crowd I saw a familiar face. It was a girl but I couldn't see her clearly since it was kinda dark in here. I shrugged and kept walking to the dance floor.

It hasn't been even 30 minutes since we been on this damn dance floor and I was already exhausted.
"Mel, I'm tired. I'm goin' to rest a bit." I said in Mel's ear and she nodded. I walked through the crowd and I was like...5 feet away from the VIP section when I suddenly stopped in my track. I saw that women again and now she was in the VIP section. With a clear view of her, I knew who she was. Jacqueline.

She stood there smiling at Aubrey and he was smiling back. That's nothing tho.

She held her hand out and he took it and stood up. That's still nothing.

Their bodies touched as they shared a hug. Still ain't shit to argue about.

They pulled apart and the hoe took that chance to kiss him. I watched as he stood still, with their lips still locked together. Now that's bullshit.

I wanted to charge over there. I wanted to scream and beat the Shit outta both of them. But there was something telling to stay calm. I couldn't stay calm. Not at this moment. But I didn't want to go to that VIP section. They disgust me. I just stormed off. Not knowing where to go, I went to where I thought would be best right now.

Drake's POV

I pulled myself away from the kiss. What the Fuck was I about to do. I wanted to kiss back but something was holding me back. Maybe someone. Imagine if Robyn saw that. Shit!

"What the fuck was that for?" I said in a kinda angry tone.
"I miss you." Jecquie tilted her head to the side.
"Yo, I'm with someone." Now I was annoyed.
"Okay, whatever. I'm sorry. I just got caught up in the moment." She apologised.
"It's fine, but don't do that again. Ya heard?" I raised my eyebrow and she nodded.
"What did you want?" I asked her.
"To say hi....and also tell you that there are still stuff I need to fetch at your crib when you back in L.A. " she explained and I nodded.

"Sorry to disturb but Aubs Robyn saw what y'all were doing." Nick said and my eyes widened.
"Where she at?" I asked as I looked at the crowd but I couldn't see her.
"I don't know. She went that way." He pointed towards the exit sign.
I said bye to Jecquie then headed to the door. I opened the door then closed it behind. I saw her. She was standing there, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed,looking up the sealing. I sighed and walked up to her.
"Babe?" I stood by her and she looked at me. I couldn't read her expression.
"What?! You done embarrassing me to your homies?" She growled rolling her eyes.
"I'm sorry about that. I didn't know she was gonna do that. I'm so-" she cut me off.
"Then why didn't you stop her. You fuckin' let her do it." She yelled in my face.
"Robyn I don't know what to say. I'm sorry. I know-" she'd cut me off.
"No you ain't. I'm sick of this bullshit. I wanna go home." She started walking away but I grabbed her arm.

"Let the fuck go of me." She gritted, trying to pry my hand off her arm.
"You can't go. I don't want you to go." I pleaded with my eyes, wrapping my arms around her.
"Tell Mel and Katy I went back to the hotel. I'll take a cab." She escaped my embrace.
"I want to go with you then." I grabbed her hand but she yanked it away.
"Don't...don't touch me. I don't want you to come with me. I need to think." She said then sighed.
"Think? Think about what?" I became nervous.
"Don't know. But I know that I want to be alone." She said and her voice sounded like she was annoyed. She walked away from me, towards the double doors.
"Robyn wa-" she flipped me off before the double doors slammed shut.

I stood the dumbfounded. What the fuck did she mean by 'thinking'? Is she gonna breakup with me over this? I hope not. I can't lose this girl. I just can't. I don't see a future without her by my side. I heard foot coming towards me. I turned my heard and saw Jacqueline. I rolled my eyes.

"Are you alright?" She asked, quietly.
"Why wouldn't I be? This was your damn plan?" I yelled at her and she jumped, stepping away from me.
"No, no I wanted to tell you that there are things of mine at your house." she said. Her voice sounded like she was nervous.
"So? You need me to get some people to deliver your things?" I raised an eyebrow.
"No. I'll get them myself. Tell me when you're land in L.A." she sighed.
"Ight." I shrugged, leaving her alone on that spot. I was still thinkin' about Robyn. And I was mad at myself for freezing while she kissed me. I don't know what came over me. I really didn't see that coming. I wasn't even gonna stay here knowing Robyn is mad at me. I had to fix shit with her.

I only hope she can forgive me. I really didn't mean for that shit to happen. Jacqueline fucked up my night.

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