The Sontaran Stratagem

Start from the beginning

The Apocalypse was about to protest when she noticed something. "Now, hold on," she said, taking Martha's wrist and holding her hand up. "Am I seeing things, or is that a diamond on your finger?"

Martha ducked her head, blushing even redder. "Ooo," Donna winked at her. "Who's the lucky man?"

"Tom," Martha mumbled. "That Tom Milligan, he's in pediatrics, working out in Africa right now."

"A doctor who disappears off to distant places," the Apocalypse hummed. "I'm trying not to see the irony here."

"Is he skinny?" Donna wondered.

"No," Martha's blush was nearly as red as the ginger's hair. "He's sort of strong."

"She is too skinny for words," Donna nodded at the Apocalypse, who squeaked, offended. "You give her a hug, you get a paper cut!"

"I do not give people paper cuts!"

"What was that about not fighting?"

Martha cleared her throat. "Speaking of which . . . "

"Doctor Jones, report to base, please, over," a voice over a radio said.

Martha took the radio on her belt and answered. "This is Doctor Jones. Operation Blue Sky is go go go. I repeat, this is a go!"


When the three women got out of the alleyway, they were met by jeeps and trucks zooming past, soldiers in black with red caps running into the factory nearby. "United Intelligence Taskforce! Raise that barrier, now!"

"Leave those safeties on, lads. They're non-hostile!"

"All workers, lay down your tools and surrender."

"Greyhound Six to Trap One," Martha said into her radio, watching UNIT workers swarm the factory, the Apocalypse and Donna watching, stunned. "B Section, go, go, go! Search the ground floor, grid pattern delta."

"What are you searching for?" the Apocalypse asked, shaking her head. UNIT, doing a search in broad daylight? Even Torchwood had been more quiet than this!

"Illegal aliens," Martha answered.

"This is a UNIT operation. All workers lay down your tools and surrender immediately."

"B Section mobilized," Martha said into her radio, running to join the troops. "E Section, F Section, on my command!"

"Is that what you did to her?" Donna asked the Apocalypse. "Turned her into a soldier?"

The Apocalypse was quiet, trying to figure that out for herself.


"You're qualified now," the Apocalypse noted later as they walked to a pantechnicon truck. "You're a proper doctor."

"UNIT rushed it through, given my experience in the field," Martha nodded. "Here we go. We're establishing a field base on site. They're dying to meet you."

"Wish I could say the same," the Apocalypse grumbled as they got into the truck.

"Operation Blue Sky complete, sir," Martha told the commanding officer as the Apocalypse whistled, looking around the command center. "Thanks for letting me take the lead. And this is the Apocalypse." The Apocalypse turned to the commanding officer, the man straightening instantly. "Apocalypse, Colonel Mace."

"Ma'am," he greeted, saluting.

"Oh, don't salute," she sighed.

"But it's an honor, ma'am. I've read all the files on you. Technically speaking, ma'am, you're still on staff. You never resigned."

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