16: This is Your Chance. Are You Going to Take it?

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Colors by Halsey
Picture of Aiden

After everyone went to bed while Keenan, Aurora, and Ivan stayed up and talked around the fire. They didn't talk about much really, mostly guy stuff.

Aurora had to refrain from rolling her eyes at every gross comment Ivan said about Alice. But the sounds coming from Ivan and Alice's tent distracted them all.

It was Alice and another boy doing the dirty and like the night before Alice didn't know how to keep quiet. Aurora froze as she listened to her moans.

She was afraid to look at Ivan who was sitting across from her, but she was shocked even more when he wooed and high fived Keenan who wasn't as enthusiastic as his friend.

Aurora looked confused at the boys, mostly the Russian who seemed happy about his girlfriend's conquest at the moment. Keenan noticed her expression and leaned over to say quietly, "They aren't dating but its better if you don't ask either way."

Aurora quirked her lips but nodded her head.

It only got weirder when Alice blurted out the boy's name.

Keenan sighed in frustration the same time a cry could be heard from Aiden and Luna's tent. Less than a minute later India scrambled out of her tent, her body slow with exhaustion but her eyes wide in alarm. She practically ran to Luna's tent, not sparing a glance at anyone else which was good since there were bottles of beer in each of their hands.

"Looks like you're sleeping with me tonight buddy," Keenan said, clapping a hand on Ivan's back.

Aurora didn't like spending time around Ivan, partially because he was hard to understand and because most of the words that came out of his mouth that she could understand were cruel. She still hadn't forgotten how mean he was to her little brother.

Ivan only pointedly looked at Aurora, not able to speak much or point very well. His body swayed from the multiple bottles of beer he had drank within the past hour.

Keenan turned to face Aurora. "You can cram in with us too if you want. I'll make sure Ivan don't roll over and crush you in his sleep," he teased.

"I'm fine," she shook her head. "I'm going to sleep in my tent. Jesse should be passed out by now."

"Are you sure," Keenan asked, clearly worried about her well-being. "I don't want him to do anything."

"I can handle myself rich boy," she said with a slight slur. She stood up from the log and waved goodnight to both boys. As she passed Luna's tent she could still hear her crying.

Aurora was happy to find Jesse curled up in the corner of the tent, giving her plenty of room to lie down. As soon as she rested her head down she passed out to the darkness of her dreams.


The next morning Keenan noticed that everything started to pick up.

Girls were finally beginning to be switched and the drama was ensuing. There was a tense cloud hovering over all the girls as Alice pranced out of her tent in the morning with shorts that barely covered her butt. All the girls hated Alice and Aiden for what they did to Luna the night before. From the way Willow was clinging to Lee's side it was obvious that she was scared that she would be the next victim.

Luna's lip began to wobble as soon as Aiden crawled out of the tent as well, a satisfied smile on his face. India whispered something in her ear before Luna nodded and ran to Keenan's tent, nearly knocking Jesse down who came back from taking a break in the woods.

Aiden looked around the group confused. "What's her problem?"

Aurora only scoffed and rolled her eyes while India glared at the boy who broke her friend's heart the night before. With her tiny fists clenched together she faced Keenan and said, "Can Luna stay in our tent? She doesn't want to share a tent with Aiden anymore."

Keenan had no choice but to nod his head.

Jesse came to join the group, grabbing a couple pieces of sausage off the barbeque and sitting on a log next to India.

Keenan noticed the way she looked at him warily and slowing leaned away from him.

"So what's the plan today," Nora asked. "Are we actually going to do something or what?"

"Do you guys have any ideas," Keenan asked.

"We could play ambush," Aurora spoke up.

"What's that," Willow asked.

"Have none of you played it before," she asked surprised, looking around the group of teenagers. All of them shook their heads.

"Is it a Canadian thing? I'm only participating if somebody is naked, preferably a girl," Ajax said.

Aurora picked up a small stick off the ground and threw it at Ajax, making his brother laugh and receive a punch to the shoulder.

"It's a game that I used to play whenever I went camping. Basically you split into two teams and one team hides in the woods while the other tries to find them. The people that hide try to ambush the others and if they succeed in scaring them then the hunters will join the hiders but if the hunters find the hiders before they can scare them than the hider becomes a hunter."

"Sounds like a very complicated game of hide and seek," Ajax muttered.

"You don't have to play," Aurora snapped.

"It sounds fun to me," Keenan spoke up on behalf of his friend.

"I think I'm going to sit this one out," Willow said, giving Lee a look. He smiled warmly at her before nodding his head enthusiastically.

"India do you want to play," Keenan asked his friend, nudging her slightly in side with his elbow.

She shook her head with a sad smile. "I'm going to stay here with Luna." After sending a soft glare to Aiden she stood up and walked over to her tent.

Keenan couldn't help but glare at Aiden and Alice. There weren't a lot of things that would make India mad at anyone but hurting her best friend was one of them. Keenan had to admit the way her button nose scrunched up in anger and the way her tiny fists balled up was pretty funny but he knew better not to laugh.

"Alright so who is going to play," Aurora asked.

Everyone except Willow, Lee, and Ajax raised their hands.

"Are you afraid of the woods or something," Keenan asked Ajax.
He turned beet red and nearly shouted 'no'.

Aiden laughed and said, "He's very insecure about his ability to find people. He can play football but he sure as hell can't play hide and seek."

"Shut up," his brother grumbled.
Keenan laughed but only because he knew Ajax was competitive, just not that competitive.

India walked back out of her tent, a frown etched on to her face. She came back over to Keenan and said, "Guess I'm going. Luna doesn't want me to stay with her."

"You can be on my team," he said, throwing an arm over her shoulder.

"Why don't we do boys vs girls," Jesse asked instead, his eyes burning holes into Keenan's arm.

"That works too," Aurora agreed, standing up and shaking off the dirt from her pants. Everyone else followed, including Keenan who was reluctant to do so. "Alright so the boys will be the hunters and we will hide."

"Wait what if someone gets lost," Nora asked worriedly.

"Just don't," Alice offered before she walked off into the woods.
The rest of the girls followed closely behind.

"How long should we wait," Aiden asked, picking at his nails.

"Probably like ten minutes," Jesse said, yawning from tiredness.

Ajax moved over so he was sitting next to Keenan. Nudging his side a bit he said quietly, "This is your chance man, alone in the woods with Aurora? Are you going to take it?"

Keenan sighed but liked the idea of moving things forward with Aurora. "Hell yeah," he responded, a smile growing on his face.

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