Chapter 1

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Today just like every other as I walk these halls. We all understand there is something wrong with us. Some try to pretend they understand but they can't even try to reason with the fact that its more complicated than that. I, unlike the others know what's wrong with me and it's not what the doctors have labelled me.

They all say I'm sick just like all the other kids in this unit, but I know the truth. I'm labelled as Bipolar and ADHD. We are all sent here because we are some of the unlucky to have parents who think there's always something wrong with us. But not all of us. I don't have parents, they died when I was a little kid but I guess if I did I would have found out more about what I am from them and I wouldn't have ended up living with my gran who had no idea what was up with me. 

She thinks I'm special, yes, I guess I am but in this 'hospital' we all are. We all have different 'talents'. We were all born with these and it's not something we can just get rid of. In my case I'm a Femalian class. This means I don't belong to any of the 'normal' types. My twin brother Drew is the same. We both don't fit in with the others. The other types are Shadow, Winter, Summer, Autumn, Spring, Fire and Ice class. No one here falls into the summer, autumn or spring classes because they need more protection.

We are split up into wards and my ward is for people who know what they are. The other kids on my ward are Jackson who's fire class, Anna who falls into the winter class, Drew is as I said before is Malion, I'm a Femalian and Pixie. She's the only Shadow class in existence that has ever been caught. In case your wondering my names Rosalind. We all know that we are only in this unit because they want to experiment on us, find out what makes us tick.

I have been trying to escape for years but whenever I try I feel this immense strain inside me. My brother says its just me losing control. I think he should stop letting the doctors mess with his head. If he had seen what I've seen, he would be just as desperate as me to escape. Jackson is the only one I can understand. He is my eyes and ears. Since he's the one they let outside he can tell me things about what's going on in the real world. He can tell me things the nurses would never tell us. They are terrified of our ward. The only time you see them on our stretch of corridor is when the fire alarm is going off. Unlike some of the others I don't plan on spending the rest of my life locked in this little room with Anna. Anna is a very stubborn person who never talks to anyone. When I first arrived here there was a rumor that she had cut out her tongue, this was proven wrong when she screamed at a nurse, before she turned them to ice.

I've been sent back to my 'room' by the psychologist because he had asked me if I knew anything about my mum or my dad. He said there was a slight chance that they were not dead. At the time my brother was in the room and had yanked me off the psychologist before I could do any real damage to him. My parents were dead and there was no doubt in my head he was using them to try to get all my secrets out of me. My brother was getting the same off of all the male staff but the nurses went all faint when he even looked in there direction. They didn't have a chance with my brother because he despised them all.

I've seen the way they look at us. As if we are diseased and sometimes I wish I didn't sympathize with them because they see us as vermin.

There's a rumor that there's a new girl coming in. Supposedly she and her family have been on the run from the agency for years and now they have caught her. They say she's a half fire and half shadow class. This is meant to be impossible. Obviously it's a lie or there is something the scientist have missed.

In my hollow of a room there is nothing on my side of the room. I don't have many things. Since I've been a kid all I really liked was nature. The things in my room are mostly Anna's. For a quiet person she has lots of things. The floor is cluttered with her clothes. Since I am mildly OCD all my things have their own place. I limit myself to a hairbrush, combats, Boots and plain T-shirts. Well, I do have something that the nurses don't know about, I have my mom's wolf figurine and my dad's bomber jacket. I keep these things to remind myself I am someone's kid. Dead or alive they were real and they were my parents.

Here I am, again staring at the crack in my ceiling. It kind of looks like someone's flung something hard at the roof out of anger. I sympathize with them. The food is horrid, it always looks and tastes like cardboard. The beds are warm but really itchy and every once in a while someone will be 'sent home'. This is a lie. No one ever gets to go home. They just get sent to the labs. My old room mate, Alison got sent to the labs. She really believed she was getting to go home. She called me when she arrived at the labs and told me not to trust anyone, not to take the meds and by all means escape. I made her a promise then and there I would get the others on our ward out.

There was a brisk tap on my door. I shouted "who is it?" 

A rough voice answered "Jackson. We need to talk. Can I come in?" 

I carefully picked my way toward the door and pulled back the bolt. I pulled the door open, wide enough for him to slide through. He handed me a small parcel. 

"what is it?" I asked quietly.

"our ticket out of this mad house. If you want I could go get the others?" He answered with a smile.

I nodded. He headed back to the door. He paused in the door frame and asked "Are you okay?" I looked up and said "yes, but I really wanted to ask you something. It can wait but promise me you'll hurry. Its lights out in 15 minutes and all the doors will be locked. He nodded and winked.

After he left I was stuck with this buzzing sensation. We were going to get out of here and we could all finally live normal lives, well almost. We still had to learn how to harness and adapt our powers. I would have to learn to control my emotions. I ran my hands over the yellow envelope. I desperately wanted to open it and see what was inside. I knew I should have waited for the others but I had no patience. I slid my finger under the flap and tore the envelope open. Inside was passports and driver's licences. Also there was money pouches with our names on them but something else had caught my eye. A letter. The letter was addressed to me and Drew. I recognised the writing instantly. It was wrote by the same hand that had wrote my dads name on the bomber jacket. This letter was from my parents. I dropped the letter as if it had burned my hands. I fell to the floor where I sat cradling the letter and rocking back and forth as the torrents of grief leaked from me.

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