Love is Risky

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Love is when you look at someone and you find everything.

I ran out where Cecilia has come, The wind blowing is damn cold and there I see her standing facing the pond ,with her hands rubbing bare arms .

I went closer to her , I could hear her weeping , She's cold !

I removed my coat and took a deep breath, I went more closer to her , and clothed it around her slowly .

She winced at my touch and turned around taking a step back.

Her expressions changed from that of sad and tired to angry ,she clenched her jaw and threw the coat on my chest and started to push me back hard on my chest .

"You bloody bastard, what do you think of yourself, I don't want your sympathy, you get I t..I don't need you.. "

"Cecilia listen to me..." I tried to calm her.

"No I won't, just get lost ,get out of here ,I hate you, all you men are just the same !!!"


I yelled grabbing her by her arms and shaking her to return back to conscious .

We both stood there closer to each than a inch .

My arms around her's .

All my worries, my hurt ,my anxiety disappeared into her eyes ,her eyes the most relieving thing ever.

She put her head down, she's broken ,I held her by her chin and raised her head so that she would look directly into my eyes.

I gathered all my courage, took a deep breath and stressed on each and every word sliping out of my mouth.

"Not all men want sex ,not all men are selfish ,not all guys out there see women as their need , some just need a relationship, they need love and would do anything to make you smile .

I know you needed A boy , who gives you cute nicknames , a boy who is your lover as well as best friend , a boy you can talk with for hours , a boy who makes you forget all your insecurities, a boy who makes you laugh when you are mad , a boy who is worth a wait ,a boy who will never hurt your feelings ,a boy ,a boy who motivates you ,a boy who makes your day ,everyday and finally a boy who loves you unconditionally...."

We both stared into each others eyes ,without a single word between us .... I involuntary saw myself taking a step back still looking into her eyes , bent down on my knees , I could see her heart beat faster , Stretching both my hands out for her to grab........

"Cecilia , you are the prettiest girl I have ever seen my life , I don't care about your past all that matters to me is your future which probably happens to be with me....Cecilia Ronald would you spend your whole life with me as Misses Dave will you

Forget the risk and take the fall..
If its meant to be and worth it all..! "

I was almost on tears , my heart felt so light ,so relieved so happy and so loved.

She stood there shocked ,with her hands covering her mouth.

She stammered-
"But , why me ? She asked.


She shaked her head in a yes , and I mimicked her that made her laugh and she gave her hands in mine ,I stood up holding her hands and she didn't wait a moment before falling into my arms .

She cried her heart out ,resting her head on my chest , and I rested my chin on her head.

Her hair smelled so refreshing , that I could spend my whole life this way .

Second Hand Love Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora