After Everything

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Hello everyone so I hope you guys loved my long chapter Lost Hope. So this chapter will take place 6months after Lost Hope. Well here's After Everything.

Song for this chapter:Human by: Christina Perri

Christy's POV:
It's been around six months since we left Alexandria. Hector died two months ago. The three of us ran into a horde of walkers. He sacrificed himself for Sebastian mostly. Sebastian almost got bit.
I eventually spilled the news to Hector and Sebastian. The both of them didn't take it to well. My stomachs huge though.Pretty soon the baby's gonna be born.
Sebastian and I haven't said a word to each other for two months. Luckily I'm ready to have this baby.I have all of the stuff ready.
It sucks though because I'm gonna die. Also Hector and Brad are dead. Brad was my husband. He loved me even though I was Hispanic.
Back then there was a lot of racism in Compton. I always wonder how will Sebastian take care of his brother or sister. I already came up with names though. If it's a girl I'm naming her Scarlett.If it's a boy I'm naming him Elijah.
I'm really nervous though. All of a sudden I felt my water break and I'm in complete pain. "Sebastian the baby's coming!" I tried to say calm, but I couldn't. Sebastian quickly brought all of the stuff. "Mom just lay down and breathe everything is going to be okay." He started to panic and cry. "Baby you're my only son I love you take care of your brother or sister I'll take care of you guys." I started to cry even more and harder. "I'm sorry mom I love you so much." He was crying more now. He then grabbed a knife and sliced it through my c- section scar.
I felt the worst pain ever. It was like this sharp pain and I felt agony. Out of nowhere my vision went white and I couldn't see or hear.

Sebastian's POV:
It was all over. My moms dead she wasn't breathing. I quickly grabbed my younger sibling out of my moms stomach. It was a girl. My mom told me that if it's a girl name her Scarlett. My sister quickly started to cry.
I smiled and felt this warm loving feeling when I gave her eye contact. I forgot that my mom was about to turn.
So I gave my mom a kiss on her head and pointed it to her head. I started to cry and eventually pulled the trigger.
I grabbed a towel and covered my moms body with it. I also found a white rose and put it on her body. I also saw a white butterfly next to me. After everything that happened I still was scared.
I carried my sister and cut her umbilical cord. Then I wrapped her in. a blanket and grabbed our stuff. I stared waking god knows where.

I Hope you guys liked it. Please comment and vote.

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