See you again

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Happy Saturday this is the last chapter of the week. I hope you guys liked them. Please comment feedback. The little girl in the picture is Natalie. Now here's See you again.

Sirina's POV:
I finally calmed down a little bit. I was still crying though. Mikey was comforting me and trying to make me feel better by wrapping his arm around me. I just laid my head on his chest and just continued to cry. Ron was just biting his nails nervously. Carl was pacing back and forth across the room. Enid was just reading a book sitting next to Ron on his bed. The five of us were all anxiously waiting in Ron's room. It's been about two hours since Amber got injured. Mikey and I were sitting down across Ron's bed. Our backs were facing his bed. The whole room was completely quiet. My eyes are starting to feel heavy. I was completely exhausted from crying so much. So I decided to fall asleep. Even though it was almost noon I just needed to sleep.I heard someone walking towards me and putting a blanket on me. I could tell it was Carl because Mikey never left my side and no one got up from the bed. About a couple hours later I heard Jessie walk in the room. I was to tired to open my eyes so I just listened to everything happening around me. "You guys is Sirina sleeping?" "Yeah she's been asleep for about two hours."Enid said bluntly."Oh I just wanted to make sure that she's at least getting some sleep after what happened." "Mom what's for lunch?" "There's sandwiches and lemonade do you guys want to eat." "Yes thanks for lunch." "You're welcome I'll let you guys eat here in Ron's room." After that Jessie left to go get lunch. "Carl don't you wanna sit down you've been up since Amber got hurt." Mikey asked Carl worried. "Not until I know she's going to be okay." "Pull it together Carl she'll be fine!" "Guys stop yelling my sisters going to be okay." I said in a groggy voice. "Hey you're finally up." "Yeah Mikey I am because Enid here woke me up by yelling." I said in a sarcastic tone. "Sorry it's just that Carl's just irritating me." Enid said irritated but she said it with a smile. "Lunch is ready oh hey you're up." "Thank you and yes I'm up." "You're welcome and by the time you guys finish Pete will be finished operating Amber." "That's great thanks mom!" "You're welcome now eat up and don't make a mess." Jessie said with a smirk. Once she left most of us started to eat except for Carl. "Come on Carl eat something I know my sister is in danger but you barely even know her I'm not even acting like you so grow up and eat!" "You're right I'm sorry I'll eat something." "It's okay it's only natural for any of us to get like that in a situation like this." Carl just stayed quiet and nodded his head. Mikey finally let go of me and he started to eat. Once we finished eating Pete and Jessie came in the room." Guys we have news about Amber." Jessie said with a shaky voice. All of us started to get nervous. "Well Amber broke two of her ribs and cracked a centimeter of her head open, also she's going to be in a coma for a week." Pete was Jessie's husband so he felt bad for us. "So is my sister going to live?" "She only has a sixty percent chance of living." I felt tears  coming down my cheeks.  I looked at Mikey he had a worried look on his face. Carl looks upset, Ron's eyes went wide, and Enid looks confused. Pete just walked out the room. "I'm so sorry you guys." Jessie said while biting her lip. She also had watery eyes then she left. I have to look for Iris so I can tell her. As I started to walk out Mikey stopped me. "Sirina where are you going?"  "I just need time alone!" All of them gave me a sad look on their face. I felt more tears rolling down my cheeks as I gave them one last look and left Ron's room. I quickly left Jessie's house before anyone saw me. Once I got home I grabbed my knife and my emergency bag then I left outside the gates. Amber and I didn't have our guns and ammo because this woman named Olivia took them from us. We didn't get robbed they took them from us before I got interviewed by Deanna. Luckily I didn't get caught so I was able to look for Iris for about an hour. Of course I never found her. When I got back I went home and put my stuff away I went back to Jessie's house. The only person that was there besides Ron was Carl. "I didn't catch your name I'm Pete by the way. "My name is Sirina and thanks for operating my older sister Amber." "Anytime time do you want to visit your sister?" My eyes lit up at this thought. "Yes that would be great!" Pete took us three to see Amber. There she was in the basement. She had a breathing machine to help her breathe  and some stitches on her forehead. She had some bruises on her arms and stomach. She also had a cast on her ribs. She was wearing a black muscle shirt and some pink fuzzy pajama pants. She also had two iv bags connected to her right arm. "How long will it take for her to recover when she wakes up from her coma?" "I would say a month." I just nodded my head and made my way towards her. I sat down next to her and  held my hand with her's. "Amber I love you so much like your mom I hope you feel better soon and please wake up." Jessie walked into the room . "Hey Sirina if you want you can stay here until she wakes up and can get up from bed rest." "Thank you so much and yes I will." After that she left me alone with Amber. I hope Amber gets better and that I find Iris again.

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