Chapter 15.

No one will ever get the pleasure of hearing you moan..." he says sucking my neck.

"Oh, we have a possessive Alpha don't we?" I ask putting my hand on his chest. He growls and got a hold on my hips.

"You have no idea..." he growls, before I knew it his lips were smashed on mine. Sparks eventually turned into fireworks. His tongue flicked across my bottom lip. I rejected, earning a death growl from him. I smiled, but I soon regretted it when he grabbed my butt. I squeal, ruining the moment.

"Woah way to ruin the moment Air!" I hear someone yell. I face palm blushing, Xavier is laughing behind me before kissing my cheek and getting up off the bed to start the scene over


Chapter 18.

We're going to Joyce's house. I need to talk to her..."

"Can't you drive yourself?"

"Yeah but you need to be there too."

"K..." he says throwing the apple away- missing the trash can... Again. This is the second time. "Oh come on its five feet away!" I say laughing.

"Come on Xavier!" Someone yelled.

"Yeah yeah..." He said grabbing the sole of the ground pushing my face back as punishment.


Chapter 19.

Ariel I'm sorry, I didn't mean to go that far..." He grabs my hand and helps me sit up,he sighs and exits the cave leaving me stunned.

I quickly follow after him, I look out of the cave to see he is gone? I look around, I could feel someone creeping up behind me. I smile. "Sorry sweetie..." I hear someone say. I quickly turn around. It's- "Hold!" Before I knew it I was hit with a foam frying pan.

"Ah hey!" I whine.

"I-I'm so sorry!" Victoria said laughing, she leaned on my shoulder laughing. I noticed Xavier laughing near the corner, "Yes very funny..."


Chapter 20.

You are 20 soon to be 21."

"Huh, n-no I-I don't remember."

"Here give me your hand."

'Here give me your hand...'

'Why? Where are we going?'

'To my bed.' He said angrily.

'N-no M-Mark stop! It's too rough!' I cry. I heard a wolf growl. I look to see a wolf is towering over me, and bearing it's teeth. I scream and it bites into my neck.

"N-no I'm sorry! I didn't mean to I swear!" I scream, breaking down- "Hold!" Xavier suddenly jumped behind me and grabbed the case that was about to fall. Everyone cheered.

"Man you call it it the wrong time Clark!" Xavier yelled smiling.


Chapter 22.

"I can't believe it! She owes me eight dollars!"

"Nicki!" A girl says. "I'm Joyce, we're your friends." Joyce says. "Yes! I knew I had friends!" I said jumping a little. "I'm Nicki." She says holding out her hand. I take it and I was pulled into the hallway. I heard a growl, someone caught my other hand and pulled me back.

I bumped against Xavier's chest, he gently hugged me kissed my forehead. "Come on we need to fix you up!" I hear Nicki yell. I was pulled back, I start running back down the hallway- before I trip and fall causing Nici to fall with me. I groan and bang on the floor.

Nicki couldn't stop laughing as Joyce helped her up. "Nice going Air!" Clark yelled, I felt Xavier help me up.

"Thanks!" I say running my hand through my hair.


Chapter 24.

I'm sorry Xavier she was bitten... I couldn't get to her in time..." I stare at her in shock. I quickly pull out all the wires on my chest and hands. "Xavier what are you doing?!" I run out the door letting Ace take over, try and find Ariel. 'No kidding!' We run to her room and burst through the door. I hear it, the one ring. The constant ring on the heart monitor, s-she's dead?

'No she isn't... I would know.' He says calmly. Then is the heart monitor broken? 'No, I can't hear her heart beating either' ... She was bitten. S-she's a vampire now? I walk up next to her and hold her hand. Sparks shot up my arm, causing Ace to sigh. 'She isn't a vampire either.'

"No!" Ariel gasps and throws a punch at me, "Hold!" Ariel let her fist fly hitting me in the head.

"Oh my gosh Xavier I am so sorry!" She said laughing. "Yes comedy gold, do we need to start over from the needle scene?"

"Yes!" Ugh I hate needles...


These are scenes that I thought would be good but I just majorly changed them.

My Brother My Mate? Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant