6th birthday one to remember

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"Yay! Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me!" I can't wait to see what mommy and Daddy got me for my Birthday! I really want a scooter, or a bunny! Gasp! Or a lollipop! I love the really big ones with the swirl and the rainbow colors.

"Ariel do you want to go to the park?" Auntie Austin asked me.

"Ya! Can I bring my bubbles?"

"Sure sweetie," she said putting her coat on.

"Yay!" I run into my bedroom and grab my bubbles that Auntie Austin bought me for my birthday. It glows in the dark! I run back downstairs and put my sneakers on, it's cool cause they light up when I stomp on the ground. We go outside and walk through the forest to the park.

"Yay! Auntie Austin can you hold my bubbles? I want to go on the swing!" I say running giving her my bubbles. "Sure sweetie, do you want me to push you?"

"Ya! I still don't know how other kids do it.. It's like some kind of magic.." I say getting on the swing.

"Do you want me to teach you?" She asked walking in front of me.

"Yes please!" I scream.


I eventually got it I can now magically push myself on the swing! After a while Auntie Austin thought that we should go home because mommy and daddy might come home soon. "Ok! Just let me put my bubbles away..." I say trying to get the cap back on.

"It's the other way sweetie," Auntie Austin laughs.

"Really?" I twist it the other way and it slides back on. "Ooohhh," I say giving her the bottle. She smiles and we walk home while pointing at all the birds and squirrels. At one point I thought I saw a wolf but Auntie Austin said is was a fox. After we go back inside and watch TV and a movie.

"Ariel?" Mommy! I can't wait to see what I got for my birthday! I run downstairs to see my mommy and daddy coming inside. "Hi mommy!" I scream.

"Hey sweetie! Happy Birthday!" Daddy yells hugging me. "Thank you daddy," I say smiling. "Guess what I did today!? Auntie Austin taught me how to magically push myself on the swing!" I say jumping up and down.

"So honey we have something to tell you," Mommy says picking me up. "Did you get me a lollipop?" I gasp, I shouldn't have said that! I cover my mouth with my hand. "Well it might be a lollipop but.... wait no I can't tell you my lips are sealed." she says putting my back on the ground and walking away.

"What!? Wait hey come back here with your secret missy!" I yell running after her. I finally catch up to her. "Tell me your secret! Or I'll use my secret weapon!" I say holding onto her leg.

"Oh yeah?" She says picking me up. "What is your secret weapon?" She said sitting on the couch with me on her lap. "My eyes, I've been told my eyes look cute..." I say smiling, waving my hands in front of my face for affect.

"Oh really?" She said giving me a funny face. "Yeah," I say crossing my arms.

"Try me," she said smiling.

"Ok fine you made me do this!" I say pointing at her. I put my hand under my chin and smiled. "Oh my gosh the cuteness is to much!" She says covering her eyes. "Tell me your secret." I say staring into her eyes.

"I got you a lollipop fine! And I got you the hello kitty alarm clock, just stop using your secret weapon!" She said closing her eyes.

"Yay! You got me the hello kitty alarm clock!?" I say jumping on the couch. "What? No I didn't who told you?" She said smiling.

"Huh? No one told me anything, what?" I say looking around. I find daddy bringing in bags. "Did mommy tell you what the present is?" Daddy said putting the bags on the table. "Noooo," I say tip toeing past him. He picks me up, "what did she tell you?" He whispers in my ear.

"Oh nothing about a hello kitty alarm clock, by the way she's crazy..." I whisper back.

"What are you guys whispering about?" I hear mommy whisper behind me.

"Nothing..." Daddy and I say looking somewhere else.

"Ok then who wants to open presents?" Mommy asks pulling out boxes in wrapping paper. "I do!" Daddy yells raising his hand.

"Me too!" I say jump out of daddy's hug and run over to the table. "Here daddy open this one," I say handing him a gift. "But this one is for you, where are my gifts?" Daddy asks making a pouty face.

"Uh... Free hug?" I ask shrugging. "Oh really? I'll take it" he said smiling. I smile and hug him. After I go straight for one of the boxes, making sure any of them are for daddy. Daddy deserves a gift too! After I opened all of them I got my hello kitty alarm clock, a lollipop, the bubbles Auntie Austin gave me, new coloring books, and some more games for my Nintendo DS.

"Thank you Mommy thank you Daddy!" I say hugging them. "Mommy you should get Daddy a present, he looked happy when I gave him a hug." I whisper in Mommy's ear. She nods her head and let's me down. I run over to my coloring books and color the my littlest pet shop puppy.

"Hey Air sweetie can you come and help mommy?" I hear mommy call from the bedroom upstairs. "Sure mommy!" I say putting my red crayon away. I run upstairs and go into the bedroom across from mine. "Hey mommy what are you doing in here?" I ask making sure not to step on the newspaper.

"Well sweetie, how would you feel about having an older brother?" She asks sitting on the floor.

"What? I would love to have an older brother! He would always protect me and make me feel better." I say sitting on her lap.

"Well tomorrow daddy and I are getting you a brother!" She said hugging me.

"Really?!" I ask jumping.

"Yeah," she said smiling.

"Yay! I can show him my collection of games!" I say jumping to go find daddy. I finally find him in his office writing on paper.

"Daddy I'm getting a big brother?" I ask jumping on his chair. "Oh did mommy tell you?" He asked hugging me.

"Yeah! I can believe it! I can't wait!"

"I bet you guys would be best friends." He said laughing. I look at his papers and try to read it. "Hey daddy what's a alpa?" I ask trying to read what he's doing.

"You mean and alpha?" He asks laughing.

"Yeah what you said," I say looking at him. "Well Ill tell you soon," he said kissing my forehead.

"I'm gonna go to bed so I can meet my brother tomorrow!" I say jumping off and running out the door. I get changed into my pajamas and get into bed. "Hey sweetie, you want me to turn on the TV?" I see mommy looking into my bedroom.

"Yeah I'm not tired...." I say sitting up. Mommy stays with me the rest of the night watching ice age with me. After the movie is over my clock said that its 7:56..... Whatever that means. "Mommy will my new brother be nice?" I ask pulling up my covers.

"Of course he will, and he will always be there for you. And you'll be there to keep him out of trouble..." she said smiling, kissing the top of my head. "Goodnight mommy," I say hugging her.

"Goodnight sweetie, happy birthday." she said turning my light off. All I could think about it my new older brother.... I can't wait.

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