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I enter the main dining hall, "Good evening my queen you are seated at table three." I roll my eyes and walk over to my table, this is stupid. "Hello my queen..." I hear Billy say. Oh crap....

"Hi yes two red bloods please," he ordered. Blood? Blood..... 'Fight the urge Ariel!' I shake my head to get back on track. "Ariel before we move to North Carolina you will get married... And you will carry the Kings children..." I start to become dizzy 'Ariel your vampire side is taking over!'

"Ok so I have been thinking I would really like to have Xavier as my butler, just you know as a souvenir? I would love to make his life a living pain for leaving me, and anyways he could use a beating..." I say playing with the silver utensils.

"Of course! My queen you can have everything..."

"Ok from now on call me... Kat..."

"Very well."

"Your Red bloods sir."

"Thank you..." The drink is blood red, and it's thick as a smoothie. The smell reaches my nose and the scent makes me go light headed.

"Well now that that's settled I will be leaving now..."

"Wait one minute! I'm going to take you to bed tonight..."

"No sorry I really planned into playing with my new toy! I wonder if he would cry if I kicked him in the head..."

"Fine but I want you in my room by 9:00 tonight..."

"Whatever..." I teleport into my room... Xavier should be here... I hear a knock at the door... The door opens to reveal Jack... "Got your new toy..." He says coming in.

I could see Xavier follow in not to far behind him. "Ugh how are we going to do this?" I say sighing sitting on the bed, I feel the knife in my pocket. I take it out and set it off to the side in the bed.

"Why do you have a wooden knife, my queen?" I hear Xavier growl.

"Ugh! Why can't I just kill him?"

"Who!?" Xavier growls, pissed off.

"We can't he has the antidote!" Jack complains.

"Shut it Xavier!" I growl... He glares at me and let out an earth trembling growl. "What do we do?" I whine... "I want my mate back... I don't want to marry that bastard..."

"Excuse me my queen, you will not talk about our king like that..." He growls.

"But your my king and... I miss you..." I say looking into his eyes, I miss him. I want his arms around my waist and hear his calming voice. His face is emotionless, but... There is actually sadness in his eyes... "He's still there..."

"What?" Jack says looking up.

"He might not be in control... But my mate is still there..." Xavier started growling. "I am not your mate... I work for the king and queen only..." I roll my eyes. I hear a knock at the door.

"Kat?" I hear Billy say at the door. I cross my hand over my chest and change back to my vampire side. "What?" I say looking at the door. He enters, "Why is the door guard with you?" He says glaring at Jack who suddenly stood up when he knocked.

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