8th birthday prank?

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"Xavier! Give it back!" I yell chasing after him. "I swear I'm going to kill you!"

"Try me!" He yells throughout the house. I look over the balcony of our second story. I see Xavier eating my ice cream, I literally run down the stairs and grab my cone back from him. "It's mine!" I say running outside on the back porch. I stop when I hear the footsteps go down the stairs.

I run back inside and lock the door. I go up to my bedroom and lock the door. "Finally alone in peace...." I say realizing that my ice cream cone has melted everywhere. "Or uh pieces..." I say throwing it away. Now I need new ice cream.

I was about to open the freezer when the phone rang. I checked the caller id and it was Nicki. "Hey Nicki!" I scream into the phone. "Hey what's up?"

"Oh you know, chasing Xavier trying to get my ice cream back." I say sighing.

"Oh, never mess with a girl and her ice cream..." She says sarcastically.

"It's still good though!" I hear Xavier yell.

"How did he hear that?" Nicki asks.

"I have no idea," I say putting the ice cream away... again.

"So what are you doing today?"

"Oh you know having a birthday party,"

"Oh who's birthday?"

"Xavier's and mine," I say eating my ice cream.

"Oh what?! Oh my gosh! Can I come over?"

"Sure," I say laughing. Nicki and I have been calling each other a lot lately, my mom made me call her once for project information. So when I called she flipped out and was saying how she should've done that before.

"Uh I'll be there at 3:00?"

"Yep see you then!"

"See ya!" I click the end call button and watch TV, and I guess I didn't realize that Xavier sat next to me.

"So what times the party?" I jump when I heard him next to me.

"Don't scare me like that!" I yell hitting him with a pillow.

I hear keys dangling and the doorknob being unlocked, I instantly go back to the couch and lay down. "Xavier sit down!" I whisper yell. He sits down and instantly the front door opens. "Hi guys!" I hear dad yell.

"Hey Dad!" We yell, I switch between the channels to find a good show. I hear another knock at the door, I get up and look through the peep hole. It's Nicki!

"Hey Nicki!"

"Hey!.... Thanks mom!" She yells as her mom pulls out of the driveway.

"So happy birthday! How old are you?" She asks serious.

"I'm eight!"

"Oh yeah! What about Xavier?" Oh no...

"Oh yeah that's right uh follow me now!" I yell running up the stairs, instantly I hear a crashing noise. I turn around to see Nicki soaking wet. "Xavier!" I yell.

"Aww! This was a good outfit." she said squeezing the water out of her sleeve.

"Xavier I'm going to kill you!" I yell "Sorry Nicki do you want me to call your mom?" I ask looking at her clothes.

"Uh yeah...." she said smiling sadly. I called her mom and she picked up Nicki. I felt so bad when she had to leave, I can't believe he did that. That's it! I am so going to get him back this time he'll pay.

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