10th birthday Carly?

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"Shut up Xavier! What you are a wolf go fetch!" I yell at him pointing at the tennis ball across the yard. All he does is growl, "Stupid dog." I grumble. He barks and snarled at me.

"Let Ace take over, he's more fun, and likes to play." I say stomping my foot. He huffs and his eyes turn green. "I still find it really cool that our eyes change color," I say throwing the ball. It was about an hour later I started to get bored. "You wanna get ice cream?" I ask.

"Sure, do we have whipped cream?" He asks, I stop in my tracks and hold my stomach, what's wrong with me. "Ariel?" I look at him and my vision blurs. I hear a familiar sound the awful cracking sound. I'm shifting! Wow this is painful, I could hear muffled sounds. 'Calm down' I could hear a very clear voice in my head.

'Calm down, think of sleeping in bed or ice cream...' it says calmly. I do exactly what is says and the pain dies down. "Ariel? Air are you ok?" I could hear Xavier say in a panicked tone. I open my eyes to see everything become sharp, I could see a bird fly from tree to tree in the forest.

"You are adorable, and your eyes are scary as hell...." he says backing away. Wow this is so cool! I can't believe I just shifted into a wolf. 'Hi!' I hear the voice say. Um hi who are you? 'I am your wolf, my name is Carly' So you are my wolf? 'Yep the one and only!' She said excited.

So what do you want to do? 'Well I really want to go for a run.' What do you mean? 'Well you know how I can take over right?' Yeah. 'well I want to go for a run!' Oh ok well knock yourself out! Instantly I made a right turn and headed out towards the forest. I could hear Xavier not to far behind me.

I finally realized I wasn't in control much when I flipped and landed right behind him. He growls and turns around, I am face to face with him, his eyes turn to a slight gold. I could hear a rumble coming from him, Carly yips and runs back home.

I arrive back at the house to see my dad and mom talking. I could see them whisper and point at me. Carly tilts her head and looks back at the forest looking for Xavier. I finally spot him bouncing off a tree running in our direction.

Xavier shifts back and walks next to me. "S-sweetie how did you do that?" Mom asked walking towards Xavier.

"Do what?" He asks looking around.

"Sh- never mind. Who is this?" She asked pointing at me. I till my head and huff.

"It's Ariel mom," he said rolling his eyes.

"What?!" She asked excited. How do I shift back? 'Think of yourself as a human.' Carly states. I image myself and I felt a slight crack. I look at my hands to see I have thumbs again. "Yes! Now I have thumbs!" I say jumping up and down.

"How are you guys doing that?" Mom asks us again.

"What?" We ask

"Shifting with clothes?" She asked surprised.

"What do you mean?" Xavier asked.

"When you shift your clothes are supposed to rip," she said confused.

"Huh? So we aren't supposed to have clothes on right now?" I ask looking at my clothes.

"Well no..." she said. "But, never mind I got you guys something for your birthday!"

"What, what is it?" I ask running up to her.

"Not telling this year," she said pretending to keep her lips shut.

"Oh come on please? It's a tradition you tell us every year dad gets mad at you and we get our presents before you can give it to us!" I whine.

"I don't tell you every year."

"Sure you do, remember you told me about my bike?" Xavier says.

"Oh well I'm not telling that I got you a TV for your birthday...." she said face palming.

"You did?!" Xavier and I say. We run inside and grab our presents.

"No no no no, oh! Batman?" I ask him

"Fine...." Xavier says jumping on my bed. Dad just finished setting up the TV in our bedrooms and I wanted to watch a movie. I put in the dvd and jump on Xavier. "Ow!" He said pushing me off him.

"That didn't hurt.." I say pressing play.

"You know you're right...." Wait he never says that...

"This does..." huh? Instantly I was hit in the head with a pillow.

"Hey!" I grab my pillow and hit him in the head and we start a pillow fight. "Wait this is the good part," I say staring at the TV. After Ivy was pushed into the chemicals I was whacked in the back of the head. "Ugh fine you win I want to watch the rest of the movie," I say looking back at the TV.

He jumps up and leaves the room. Wow it was a pillow fight... I watch the TV and five minutes later I could smell popcorn. He runs back in and jumps back on the bed. "Forgot this," he said smiling.

"Yes I did!" I say taking the bowl. After the movie is over I started working on my school project. "Xavier! Can you get me the markers?" I yell.

"No!" I hear him yell.

"Please?" He comes in and throws me the box. "Thanks big bro, can you please get me a sandwich, chips, and a drink?" I say playing with my hair and fluttering my eyelashes.

"Now you're just pushing it," he starts growling. "Hey it was worth a shot?" I say shrugging. He huffs and sits next to me. "So what are you working on?" He said grabbing some papers from my bag.

"Some stupid history project, if I do it I get extra credit." I say sighing.

"But you don't need extra credit, aren't you a honor roll student anyway?" He asks looking at my screen.

"Yeah, but I kinda want to skip a grade, and be really advanced." I say finishing off the last math question and moving back to my history project.

"Why? That's just more work, and then you'd be with me!" He said surprised.

"Yeah, then I can make fun of you in front of all your friends!" I say innocently.

"What no no no you can't do this to me!" He said desperately.

"Well to bad, get out I need to call Nicki." I say getting off the bed and pushing him out the door. I check back on my computer to see if she is online. When I see she is I face time her. "Hey Air!" Nicki yells.

"Hey Nicki, uh what color did you want the background?"

"For which subject, English, history, or science?" She asked eating a cracker.


"Definitely blue,"

"Ok did we need glitter?"

"Well duh! You need sparkles somewhere!" She said like it's obvious.

"Ok ok fine,"

"Ariel I got a call from your principal!" I hear mom yell.

"Oh sorry Nicki I got to go!"

"Ok, you can tell me what you did later." she said rolling her eyes.

"I didn't do anything, see you later!" I click end call and run downstairs.

"Ariel why didn't you tell me you wanted to skip a grade?" Mom asked.

"I did, remember in the car? I told you at least a month ago." I say shrugging.

"Oh, well your principal says you can skip a grade if you want to but he wouldn't recommend it...." she said looking at me.

"I have worked my butt off to skip a grade I am not letting a recommendation ruin it mom..." I said staring at her.

"Fine, next year you will be in 6th grade!" She said clapping.

"Yes!!! Best birthday ever! Thanks mom!" I say hugging her and running back upstairs to call Nick and tell her about it.

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