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I wake to the sun peering through the curtains. I sigh and try to turn on my side, but I can't. I look over to see Xavier sleeping. I smile, he's cute... "I am not..." He says his eyes still closed.

Are too... His eyes open and stare straight at me. He smiles and hugs me. "Good morning." I say laughing a little. "Morning..." he says getting up, I sit at the edge of the bed. He grabs my hand and we walk over to the bathroom. "I'm going to change you bandages ok?"

"...Ok" I say nodding my head. He gently pulls my shirt off and carefully started to unravel the gauze. "At least it's not as bad as yesterday." He says, using a washcloth to dab my back. I could still see blood smeared all over the towel. He re-wrapped my back and put my shirt back on. He smiles and kisses the top of my head.

"Someone's coming..." he says simply. I give him a weird look, instantly two girls burst through the door. "Ariel!" They scream. They hug me in a bone crushing hug. "Oh my gosh you are ok! I thought you were dead! What happened?! Are you ok?!" They squeal.

"She lost her memory..." Xavier says putting on a new shirt. "What?" They ask looking at him, wow that shut them up. I could see Xavier smile at my comment, "She doesn't know who you are..." he says shrugging.

"What?!" A girl says.

"You are joking." the other girl says.


They both stare at me. "You don't remember us?" A girl asked. "Why does everyone ask that?" I ask Xavier, he smiles.

"I can't believe it! She owes me eight dollars!"

"Nicki!" A girl says. "I'm Joyce, we're your friends." Joyce says. "Yes! I knew I had friends!" I said jumping a little. "I'm Nicki." She says holding out her hand. I take it and I was pulled into the hallway. I heard a growl, someone caught my other hand and pulled me back.

I bumped against Xavier's chest, he gently hugged me kissed my forehead. "Come on we need to fix you up!" I hear Nicki yell. I was pulled back, I start running back down the hallway. I could see Xavier mouth 'Good Luck' I smirk and try not to trip.

We enter my bedroom and shut the door behind us. "So... do you know what high heels are?" Joyce asked.


I put on my white sweater and black pants. I really like this combination, it's cute. I look in the mirror across from me, my bangs are swept to the side, and my hair is in a ponytail.

I smile, I can't believe that's what I look like I look like a totally different person. "Come on Ariel! We don't have forever!" I hear Joyce yell. I smile, and open the door. "Adorable! Now let's do your nails and makeup!" Nicki says.

"I've got nails!" Joyce says

"Makeup!" Nicki says picking up a bag. I see her pull out some kind of metal tool. Oh god.

"Finally done!" Joyce says raising her hands in the air. "I don't understand, why are one of them white and the rest of the nails are black?"

"Because it's cool! Come on! Let's go shopping!"

"For what?"

"Clothes silly!"

"But I already have- ah!" She pulls me off the seat and pulls me out the bedroom door. We run down the stairs and put on out shoes. "Hey guys where are you going?" I hear Xavier ask.

"Shopping! Bye!" Joyce and Nicki say running out the door... "What just happened?"

"Friends that haven't seen you in about two years..." He says.

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